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DBN's undertaking, worth our efforts.

DAZOC - Durable, polyvinyl gated irrigation pipe and color-coded PVC pipe fittings. 描述:DAZOC公司,提供耐用的、乙烯聚合物接口灌溉管道。
DAtrans is an international research association dedicated to architecture and urbanism. DAtrans opened its design studio in shanghai (2004) and focuses on architecture and new media design. 德默营造是组建于上海的设计咨询实体,主要从事城市设计,建筑,数字等相关领域的创意设计和规划咨询。
DB carries twice as much freight and three times as many passengers as SNCF and owns and operates more than 90% of Germany's rail network. 德国铁路股份公司经营着和SNCF(法国国营铁路公司,参6)一样多的货运,三倍于其客运,并且拥有切经营着超过90%的德国铁路网络。
DB++ is a database abstraction layer for C++. It provides a JDBC-like abstract database access interface in C++. 是个C++数据库抽象层,提供一个类似JDBC的抽象数据库访问接口。
DBA_DEPENDENCIES describes all dependencies in the database between procedures, packages, functions, package bodies, and triggers, including dependencies on views created without any database links. 我们来看个例子,就从数据库里挑个表吧,出于用户资料原因,把某些数据修改了一下.
DBN's undertaking, worth our efforts. 大北农的事业是我们大家的事业!
DBQ means database qualifier,always the path of the database file. 数据库限定,通常是数据库文件路径.
DBW,SBW series single-phase and three-phase super power voltage regultor of new age having the advantages of large capacity,high efficiency,wide range,high precision,strong protection,without wave-form distortion,reliadle operation and casy installation,e SBW系列单、三相大功率电力稳压器是我公司在参数照国际同类产品、结合我国国性的基础上研制生产的新一代节能电力稳压器,具有容量大、效率高、稳压范围宽、精度高、保护功能强、无波形畸变、运行可靠、维护简便等特点。
DBX2EML is a free software, you can use wantonly and distribute, but must contain this text. DBX2EML是一个自由免费软件,您可以任意使用或者分发,但是必须包含本文档.
DBs have many users; passive mappings don't suffice; use active agents. 数据库有很多用户;静态映射不满足要求;使用活动的代理.
DC Comics is bringing her back in July as a gay crime fighter, an effort to reinvigorate the franchise and bring some diversity to the storyline. 然而今年7月,《DC喜剧》将赋予蝙蝠女侠一个与犯罪做斗争的同性恋形象重回银屏,并希望此举可以为蝙蝠侠系列注入新的能量,并进一步丰富其故事情节。

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