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Concept of basal metabolism, The mostly influencing factors of energy metabolism; Principles of heat production and heat loss of the body and mechanism of keeping body temperature relatively stability.

Concentration stretched to the limit, they edge their way into crevices as much as one thousand feet deep. 精力的集中达到极限,攀峡者紧贴着峡缝爬下一千尺的深处。
Concentric PLC is a successful global developer and manufacturer of engine oil, water and fuel pumps for the commercial diesel engine market. 康斯克泵业是一家成功的全球的从事为商用柴油机市场配套的机油泵、水泵、输油泵的研发和生产厂家。
Concept No. 10 Sometimes you should go for a check-raise bluff on river when a bluff bet would be unprofittable. 当吓唬人时下注无利可图时,有时你要检查一下是否要在河牌时用加注来吓唬人.
Concept and general characteristics of hormone; Hypothalamic regulatory peptide; Function relation between hypothalamus and pituitary; Physiological functions of growth hormones, thyroid hormones and glucocorticoids. 激素的概念和一般特性;下丘脑调节肽;下丘脑与垂体之间的功能联系;生长素、甲状腺激素及糖皮质激素的主要生理作用。
Concept and implement of graph, basic operations of graph, minimum cost spanning tree, shortest path problem, AOV and AOE network. 图的概念和实现;图的基本操作;最小价值生成树;最短路径;活动网络。
Concept of basal metabolism, The mostly influencing factors of energy metabolism; Principles of heat production and heat loss of the body and mechanism of keeping body temperature relatively stability. 基础代谢的概念、影响能量代谢的主要因素;机体产热与散热的原理及维持体温相对稳定的机制。
Concept of gastrointestinal hormones; Innervation of diestive system; Gastric emptying and it's regulation; The secretion regulation of gastric juice, pancreatic juice, bile and small intestine fluid. 胃肠激素的概念;消化系统的神经支配;胃排空及其调节;胃液、胰液、胆汁和小肠液分泌的调节。
Concept of knowledge in post modern times is the logic of humanistic thinking and conforms to uncertainty principle in quantum mechanics, multi-value logicin logistics and orientation in scientific hermeneutics. 后现代知识观是一种人文思维的逻辑,它与量子力学的测不准原理、逻辑学中的“多值逻辑”以及科学解释理论中的转向有其一致性。
Concept of knowledge in the West is changing from the modern one pursuing the objective necessity, integrity and absoluteness of knowledge to the post modern one advocating the playcharacter and the explicable and diverse meanings. 摘要西方知识观正经历从近现代追求知识的客观必然性、整体性与绝对性,到后现代张扬知识的“游戏”性、意义的可解释性与多样性的变化。
Concept towards students: There is no unqualified student but unqualified teacher. 学生观:没有不合格的学生,只有不合格的老师。
Concept towards teachers: There is no unqualified teacher but unqualified principal. 教师观:没有不合格的老师,只有不合格的校长。

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