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Harald Rau. Responses of the T-wave Amplitude as a function of Active and Performance. Journal of personality and social psychology, 1984;Vol.6.

Happy to work with you in applied statistics in marketing research field! 很高兴与您们在中国市场研究领域中进行应用统计的探索!
Happy, optimistic people obsess on cheerful thoughts of what they want,their aspirations,and indulge in dwelling on their successes.But unhappy,pessimistic people obsess on gloomy thoughts of how they could fall down and not get up. 幸福而乐观的人们执著于令他们快乐的想法,他们的希望,他们的追求;他们沉醉于自己成功的理想之中.然而,忧伤而悲观的人们则总是为自己如何失败,如何不能翻身的诸多忧郁思绪所困绕.
Haptonasty(haptonastic movements) A nastic movement in response to contact. 向触性(向性运动):是响应外界接触的一种感性运动。
Hara M, Shimomura O, Kojima A, et al. 123I-IMP Single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) study in childhood epilepsy [J]. Kaku-Igaku, 1990, 27:1239. 吴华,鲜于志群,赵明,等.SPECT脑血流显像定位诊断癫痫病灶的临床应用--与CT、皮质脑电图及病理检查对比分析[J].中华核医学杂志,1995.15(2):69-71.
Harada J,Aoyagi M,Suzuki T,et al.A study on the phase spectral analysis of middle latency response and 40-Hz event-related potential in central nervous system disorders[J].Acta Otolaryngol(Stockh)1994,Suppl 511:34. 吕建忠,唐小青,彭世春,等.听性脑干反应相位谱分析客观诊断中高频听力损失[J].耳鼻咽喉-头颈外科,1997,4:131.
Harald Rau. Responses of the T-wave Amplitude as a function of Active and Performance. Journal of personality and social psychology, 1984;Vol.6. 心算对内外倾者的心率、T波幅度和呼吸频率的影响阎克乐张月娟等心理学报1997年4月29卷2期。
Harald and his wife Queen Sonja are in London for a three-day visit to mark the centenary of Norway's independence from Sweden. 哈拉尔国王及其夫人索妮亚王后将对伦敦进行为期三天的访问,以纪念挪威脱离瑞典独立100周年。
Harald was also placed next to the queen. 哈拉尔国王的另一边坐的是女王。
Haran, Canneh and Eden and merchants of Sheba, Asshur and Kilmad traded with you. 23哈兰人,干尼人,伊甸人,示巴的商人,和亚述人,基抹人与你交易。
Harassment based on discrimination is illegal. 基于歧视而发生的骚扰是违法的。
Harassment over proper dress and habits is increasingly persuasive. 在正确著装和日常习惯上的骚扰变得愈有成效。

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