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It is of interest to note that the US consumes more than one-half of the world's supply of energy; the continent of Asia only 1/20.

It is of importance for HK's return. 香港回归具有重要的历史意义。
It is of importance to be familiar with Chinese &English version. 熟悉了解中英文两版本的标准也很重要。
It is of importance to develop the investigation of mimetic enzyme, which helps to understand the interacting mechanism of enzymes, establish the analytic methods of new bioactive molecules and make a deep insight into many important events in vivo. 阐明了开展模拟酶的研究对于了解酶的作用机理、发展新型生物活性分子分析方法、探讨生物体系的生命现象的重要意义。
It is of interest to mention that a symbol such as that of the Ouroboros is something which Carl Jung refers to as an archetype; it seems to makes its way into our conscious mind time and time again in varying forms. 有趣的是大毒蛇作为一种标记,卡尔容格有时把它作为一种原型;它看起来似乎是在我们头脑的意识内制造了自己的习惯,以各种形式来周而复始。
It is of interest to note that the US consumes more than one-half of the world's supply of energy,the continent of Asia only 1/20. 有趣的是注意到美国消耗世界能量供应的一半以上,而整个亚洲大陆的能量消耗只占其中的二十分之一。
It is of interest to note that the US consumes more than one-half of the world's supply of energy; the continent of Asia only 1/20. 值得注意的是,美国的能源消费量占世界的一半以上,而亚洲大陆能源消费只有世界消费量的1/20。
It is of medium length, neither cobby nor slack from excessive length. 中等长度,既不矮胖、不松弛也不过长。
It is of my opinion that when making marketing plans, large retailers should characterize the plans with retailing industry and integrate them with the trend of the industry to ensure correctness and effectiveness. 所以,西安市大型零售店在策划一些促销活动时,应该从零售店的特征出发,结合零售店的发展趋势,制定正确有效的促销方案。
It is of necessity to apply the approach of integrity of history with logic to discuss the issue of Mao Zedong's safeguarding the fanners' interests during the Anti-Communizationmovement. 摘要对于在当年反“共产风”运动中,毛泽东有关维护农民正当经济利益的问题有必要运用历史与逻辑相统一的手法来重新探究。
It is of new content and higher demand for the service to readers under network environment. The service should he reader-centered and should offer omnibearing service with individuation and humanization. 摘要网络环境下读者服务工作有了新的工作内容和更高的要求。读者服务工作要以读者为中心,提供个性化、人性化的全方位立体服务。
It is of no consequence . 这无关紧要.

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