Harmer, J. How to Teach English[M]. Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 2000.
吴一安,刘润清等.中国英语本科学生素质调查[J].外语教学与研究,1993(1). |
Harmful substances in cigarettes such as nicotine can circulate through the blood to various organs and reach the brain in seconds.
迅速透过血液传送至身体不同器官及大脑,影响身体抗氧化功能,并有机会引致呼吸系统、循环系统、消化系统及口腔等疾病。 |
Harmfulness is any of the above patterns and all combined beloved, and it is for this reason that ascension out of such a dance is a lengthy process of inner work.
至爱的人类,伤害可能是上述任何一个类型或组合,就是因为这个原因,超越这类舞蹈的提升是一个漫长的内在工作过程。 |
Harmlessness, truth to all beings, abstention from theft, from incontinence and from avarice, constitute yama or the five commandments.
不杀生、不妄语、不偷窃,不放纵、不贪求为五大根本戒。 |
Harmonic proportion and progression are the essence of the created universe.
调和比例和级数是创造的宇宙的本质。 |
Harmonicas have sweet sounds.
口琴的声音很悦耳. |
Harmonics, reactive power, voltage flicker and negative-sequence current of power grids can affect the power quality and harm the power equipment badly.
摘要电网中存在谐波、无功、电压闪变及负序电流等问题,严重影响电能质量,危害电力设备。 |
Harmonious and tense narration style, mighty and complicated conception of history, rigorous and flexible cultural position and elegant and poetic narrative language, make this book solid and peculiar among the contemporary historical novels.
和谐而颇具张力的叙事风格、宏大而复杂的历史观照、严谨而不失灵动的文化立场以及典雅而充满诗性的叙事语言,使得该书在当下历史小说创作中显得成熟稳健而又别具一格。 |
Harmonious processing Inner Mongolia herds the area ecosystem to construct medium environment problem of emergence, for our country the ecosystem environment construction have the graveness influence meaning.
和谐处理内蒙古牧区生态建设中出现的环境问题,对于我国生态环境建设具有重大影响意义。 |
Harmonious psyche and harmonious society are linked tightly.
和谐心理与和谐社会有着紧密的联系。 |
Harmonious psyche is a kind of sound social psychologies that internally being coordinate and externally being adaptive.
摘要和谐心理是一种对内协调和对外适应的健康社会心态。 |