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In people's eyes, in the swing, tramp, and trudge; in the bellow and the uproar; the carriages, motor cars, omnibuses, vans, sandwich men shuttling and swinging; brass bands; barrel organs; in the triumph and the jingle and the strange high singing of som

In peace prepare for war. 和平时不忘备战。
In pearls, the nacreous layers are generally translucent and composed completely of aragonite, whereas layers without pearly luster are opaque and composed of aragonites and/or vaterites with their relative concentrations different in different pearls. 其中具珍珠光泽的珍珠层一般呈半透明状,均爲文石组成;无珍珠光泽的不透明层有时由文石组成,有时由六方碳钙石组成。
In people 's heart he is a hero . 在公众的心目中他是一个英雄。
In people acutely infected with hepatitis B, the virus is usually cleared in that amount of time. 如果人们被乙肝病毒感染,病毒通常在一定时间内被清除。
In people with asthma, certain materials, such as dust, fumes, and pollen, can irritate these tubes. 在于患有哮喘病的人里,某些特定的物质,诸如尘埃,气体和花粉,都会刺激这些管道。
In people's eyes, in the swing, tramp, and trudge; in the bellow and the uproar; the carriages, motor cars, omnibuses, vans, sandwich men shuttling and swinging; brass bands; barrel organs; in the triumph and the jingle and the strange high singing of som 在人们眼中,在钟摆动中,在流浪跋涉中,在怒吼咆踍中,在马车、汽车、公车、货运卡车、以及边行边卖的三明治餐车,在铜管弦乐、直立大风琴,在从我们头上方呼啸而过的飞机尖锐声中,这些都是她所热爱的:生活、伦敦、以及六月的这个时刻。
In people, eating meat products contaminated(17) with BSE is linked to more than 150 deaths worldwide, mostly in Britain, from a deadly human nerve disorder, variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease. 全球已有一百五十多人食用被BSE污染的肉食品后死亡,大多数死亡发生在英国。死者基本上死于致命的精神错乱和变异型库雅氏症。
In perceiving this to be so, Terra is striving now to reinstate knowledge of how to forage for oneself as one's ancient red ancestors understood long ago. 而那些被此次地震毁坏房屋的人们,已丢失了太多信息并变得对现代人类系统太过依赖,以至于他们已缺少足够的知识来再次聚集起来重建住所。
In percentage terms, the judge held the sum to be just under 37 percent of Charman's assets, built up through the insurance industry. 就百分比来说,法官把判决的数目订在查曼靠保险业创立起来的资产总额的37%上。
In percentage terms, though, the study says forest area expanded fastest in the last fifteen years in Vietnam, Spain and China. And it shrank fastest in Nigeria and the Philippines. 从百分比来看,研究表明在过去的15年中,越南,西班牙和中国的森林覆盖面积增长最快而尼日利亚,菲律宾的森林覆盖面积减少的最快。
In perforated continuous forms paper, the interval between cuts. 在穿孔的连续格式纸上,割线之间的间距。

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