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Andrew can speak two languages.

Andrew Moss, coordinator of the North Australian Quarantine Strategy , says traditional land owners, and their knowledge of wildlife, offer the best chance of spotting any migratory birds coming in from Asia with the disease. 澳洲北部检疫隔离区官员安德鲁苔莫斯认为当地的捕猎手有着丰富的野生动物知识,会找到很好的观察点,可观测从亚洲迁移过来的禽鸟类是否感病。
Andrew Murray, “ A readiness to believe every promise implicitly, to obey every command unhesitatingly, to stand perfect and complete in all the will of God, is the only true spirit of Bible study. 慕安德烈:「要作好准备,绝对相信每个应许,毫不犹疑地顺服每个命令,完完全全地站在神所有的旨意里,这才是研读圣经惟一的真正心灵。」
Andrew Sobel,Comments on globalization, interdisciplinary research, myopia and parochialism, government, convergence, and culture. Journal of International Management. 2003(9). 刘卫东等.经济全球化对我国区域发展空间格局的影响[J].地域研究与开发,2003(6).
Andrew Will has no plans to increase the size of the winery or its output but instead to focus on the vineyards and the care needed to produce the kind of fruit to satisfy the Andrew Will ideals. 安卓威酒庄不会计画增加庄园面积或产量,而是将所有心力集中在果园以及照顾果实,来彻底实现安卓威以风土条件为依归的经营理念。
Andrew Williams parked the family station wagon in the driveway. 安德鲁•威廉姆斯把农用马车停在了车道上。
Andrew can speak two languages. 安德鲁会讲两种语言。
Andrew drops some of his blood onto a slip, pops it into the machine and it reads the cholesterol level in just three minutes. 安德鲁取些他的血样滴在一张试纸上,再把试纸放入到这台仪器里,仪器仅在三分钟后,就能显示出他的胆固醇读数。
Andrew expressed his concern for Alice. 安德鲁表示了他对爱丽丝的关切。
Andrew hesitated before he took the last cake. 安德鲁拿最后一块点心之前犹豫了一下.
Andrew is getting on very we11at school. 安德鲁在校学得很好。
Andrew is one of the most supercilious men I know. His brother, in contrast, is quite humble and modest. 在一个句子或段落中,有对两个事物或现象进行对比性的描述,我们可以根据生词或难词的反义词猜测其词义。

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