Controversial subjects should be avoided at all costs.
需要注意的是本月要完全避免有可能引起争议的事情。 |
Controversy about Shu Ting's misty poetry aggregated focus and topics of the controversial both sides whose attitude to Shu Ting's misty poetry were self-identity as well as repulsion or avoidance sometimes.
摘要舒婷作为“朦胧诗”的主将不可避免地被卷入了“朦胧诗”论争中,并且被推至论争舞台的中心,对舒婷诗歌的批评集合了当时“朦胧诗”论争中双方关注的焦点和议题。 |
Controversy began swirling last November.
争论的白热化始于去年十一月。 |
Controversy has also surfaced in Ohio and Utah.
俄亥俄州和犹他州也出现了如此的争议。 |
Convac Technologies specializes in the design and integration of manufacturing solutions for the optical disc markets.
康维克科技有限公司是一家专门设计、开发和生产光盘复制设备的企业。 |
Convenience is, however, in all affairs of life, an execrable test of value.
然而,在生活的一切事务中投合是可恶的实用准则。 |
Convenience stores reported that condom sales rose by up to 28 percent in the week after the test, it said.
报道中说,韩国便利店的安全套销量在朝鲜核试验一周后上升了28%。 |
Convenience you pass the customhouse rapidly.
方便你快速通关。 |
Convenient and fast transportaion is Tangyin famous character. crossing Tangyin,JingGuang Railway, Tanghe Railway and Tangtai Railway make Tangyin AN important railway transportation pivot.JingZhou express high way,107 national highway, Hu-Tai line and Ta
京广铁路与汤鹤支线和汤台地方铁路连接南北西东,使汤阴成为豫北地区重要的铁路运输枢纽.京珠高速公路、107国道、壶台公路、汤上公路在境内纵横交错,五乡五镇村村公路畅通.汤阴南至新郑国际机场、北到邯郸国际机场,只有一个多小时的路程。 |
Convenient and safe, Jungamals LifePak has a taste uniquely developed for children with a natural blackcurrant flavour and colour, all in a chewable tablet form easy for children to take.
便利、安全的儿童如沛甜嚼锭,口味独特,是以天然的黑醋栗口味和色素特别为儿童研发而成,并将所有成分包含在一个容易让儿童咀嚼摄取的嚼锭之中。 |
Convenient operation. It can steplessly adjust the button nailing pressure for the machine according to the actual requirements.
操作方便.能按实际要求.无级调整机器钉扣压力. |