It's the warm-up, the entertainment, the diversion from business-as-usual.
历险是种暖身活动、一种娱乐,能将注意力从一般商业活动上移开。 |
It's the way of business for the public to get tired of a product.
公众逐渐对某一产品失去兴趣是商业上常有的事。 |
It's the way of preventing disease's spread with washing hands with the soap.
用肥皂洗手是有效防止疾病传播的一种方式。 |
It's the world's most expensive DVD extra.
这将是世界上最昂贵的DVD片花了。 |
It's the worry for all mothers living in the country - being forced to deliver a baby in a car en route to a hospital that's hundreds of kilometers away.
对居住在乡下的所有母亲来说,被迫在一辆距医院还有数百公里之遥的小车内分娩是相当令她们烦恼的。 |
It's the worst single loss of U.S. firefighters since 9/11.
这是一起自9.11事件以来美国消防队遭受最沉重的袭击。 |
It's then that the werewolf's Garou relatives arrive to collect him.
然后,这个幼狼人的狼人亲属会来领走他。 |
It's there, it's indescribable and few are blessed with it.
我们就是其中一对幸运的情侣。 |
It's think that lachrymose is one of the women's characteristics.
人们认为爱哭是女人的特点. |
It's this kind of moment that is most satisfying for my alter-ego Dashan– the moments where you transcend nationality or ethnicity and are simply treated as yourself.
这种时候是最令人满意的——超越了国籍与种族,只是单纯地看待你这个人。 |
It's this looping or falling racquet that will give you about 10 to 20 mph more speed as the racquet reaches the low point of the backswing.
一旦网拍回到在眼睛高度,网拍现在能落下,或环状下来,在向前挥拍之前,拉到背后拉拍的低点(接触点下面一呎)。 |