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Beyond the necessity of centralizing leadership, there is no question of any cult of personality.

Beyond the coral reef the open sea is dark blue. 珊瑚礁之外的大海是一片深蓝色。
Beyond the coral reef the open sea was dark blue. 珊瑚礁之外的大海是一片深蓝色。
Beyond the general association between flares and strong magnetic fields, the picture of how things work has long remained very fuzzy. 长久以来,除了这种闪焰与强磁场的关联之外,日焰喷发的详细情形依然模糊不清。
Beyond the hall of heroes lies the chamber of bone. 在英雄的会堂深处有个骨之室。
Beyond the historical information accepted by most secular scholars, the gospels make various additional claims about Jesus, for instance that he was the messiah prophesied in the Old Testament (or Hebrew Bible); that he was God, and the son of God; that 除去长期来被多数学者接受的历史资料外,福音书还列举了许多关于耶稣的其他记载和主张,如说他是在旧约(或称希伯莱圣经)中预言的那个默西亚/弥赛亚;说他是神,是“神之子”;说他的母亲玛丽亚是个处女;还有他受难后的复活及其后的升天。
Beyond the necessity of centralizing leadership, there is no question of any cult of personality. 在必要的集中领导体制之外,不会存在任何的个人崇拜。
Beyond the river, supported on struts, rose the flat-topped house. 河对岸那间平顶屋耸立在几根柱子上。
Beyond the sea; abroad. 在或向海外;在或向国外
Beyond the sunset eternal joy. 越过黄昏,永恒的欢乐。
Beyond the very real issue of the problems such things might cause abroad, there is an issue of growing importance in China itself, one of information and candor and an ability to accept criticism, or more to the point where the events of Pakistan are con 除了这些事情可能在国外引起的真实问题,中国自身还有一个越来越重要的问题,一个关于信息和坦诚以及接受批评的能力的问题,或者就巴基斯坦事件来说,更重要的一点是促进和接受自我批评。
Beyond their hatred of Sarkozy, the youths involved in the rampages and their companions offer a disparate list of grievances against the government. 除了对萨科奇的憎恨,参加暴动的年轻人和其同伴说出一串对政府的异议愤恨。

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