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International recognition of your achievement and competence.

International population movement takes on some evident features under the background of economic globalization, one of which is the increase of the skilled migration. 摘要在经济全球化背景下,国际人口迁移呈现出明显的特点。
International practice may be applied to matters for which neither the law of the People's Republic of China nor any international treaty concluded or acceded to by the People's Republic of China has any provisions. 中华人民共和国法律和中华人民共和国缔结或者参加的国际条约没有规定的,可以适用国际惯例。
International practices may be applied to matters for which no provisions are contained in this Law or in any international treaty concluded or acceded to by the People's republic of China. 本法和中华人民共和国缔结或者参加的国际条约没有规定的,可以适用国际惯例。
International projects from UNESCO/ASPACO, UNEP and UNDP projects have been executed by GMRC, consequently cooperation with some mangrove research institutions in some ASEAN countries have been conducted. 本中心近年来承担了UNESCO/ASPACO、UNEP、UNDP等国际项目,并与东盟国家中的泰国、马来西亚、印尼、越南、菲律宾、柬埔寨等国家的红树林研究和管理机构建立了合作关系。
International quality standard——The company was certified by ISO9001 quality system for management assuring quality consistency in its products and service. 公司采用ISO9001:2000国际质量管理体系,实施“以客户为导向、以知识为基础”的科学高效的企业管理,在产品/服务质量控制方面秉承一贯严格传统。
International recognition of your achievement and competence. 您的资格及成就将获得国际的认可。
International relief agencies are working to get supplies to 200-thousand people left homeless when Typhoon Durian lashed the Philippines last week. 菲律宾上星期遭受台风榴莲袭击,大约20万人流离失所,国际援助机构正设法向灾民运送救援物资。
International remittances: Members of the public may consign Chunghwa Post to make a remittance of a specific amount to an overseas beneficiary, or consign Chunghwa Post on their behalf to receive from overseas remittances for which they are beneficiary. 二国际汇兑:指公众以一定金额委托中华邮政公司转付与国外受款人,及接受通汇国汇入转付与国内受款人之业务。
International reply coupon: A coupon of monetary value that is sold and exchangeable for postage at post offices in member countries of the Universal Postal Union. 九国际回信邮票券:指万国邮政公约各会员国间相互约定,发售及兑换回信邮票之一种有价证券。
International students can apply for scholarships and grants. 留学生可以申请奖学金和补助。
International students faces many challenges in the United States. To help support them, and to evangelize to them, we need to understand their needs and the challenges they face. 在美国有很多的外国留学生面临著很多的挑战,为了协助和传福音给他们,我们需要去了解他们所面临的挑战和各种需要。

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