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The broadcast advertising model is not relevant to the narrowcast nature of the Web.

The broad use of blogs poses a challenge to the trade secrets law. 摘要博客的广泛使用对商业秘密法提出了挑战。
The broad, tree-lined boulevards and European architecture are witness to its past, the glass-walled towers that soar skywards a portent of its future. 宽阔的林荫大道和欧式建筑见证着历史,高耸入云的摩天大厦预示着未来。
The broad-shallow and shifting channels in Xinjiang have characteristics of shallow water depth, steep gradients, high flow velocity and easily scoured river bed. 摘要新疆宽浅动床河流水深小、比降大、水流急,河床容易冲刷。
The broad-tailed comet is so bright it almost overwhelms SOHO's sensitive camera designed to explore the fainter structures in the Sun's outer atmosphere. 这颗彗星宽广的彗星是如此的明亮,所以通常用来探索太阳外层大气昏暗结构的灵敏相机,几乎过载。
The broadband wireless network is scheduled to be completed by 2008. 这个宽带无线网络系统预计2008年建成。
The broadcast advertising model is not relevant to the narrowcast nature of the Web. 广播广告模式和网络定向播送的实质并没有多大联系。
The broadcast was recorded, not live. 这次广播是事先录音的,不是现场直播。
The broadcast will show the queen, wearing a green outfit, chatting to schoolchildren as she helps them make a collage of a nativity scene. 人们将在电视上看到女王身着绿色套装,一边和小学生们谈心,一边教他们拼贴“耶稣降生”的场景。
The broadcaster is broadcasting the news on current events. 广播员正在播报时事新闻。
The broadcasting station predicts that it will turn cold tomorrow. 电台的预报明天天气会变冷.
The broader S&P 500 (down 50.33 to 1,399.04, Charts) index fell about 3.5 percent - its worst one-day percentage loss since March 2003. 主要的500种标准普尔(下跌50.33点,跌至1,399.04点)指数下跌了大约3.5%--自2003年3月以来最坏的一次一日内百分比下跌。

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