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They conclude that the longer the male mice were exposed to cigarette smoke the more damage that accumulates within sperm and the more likely genetic mutations will occur in offspring.

They concentrated on better definition of the optical image. 他们致力于提高该光学影像的鲜明度.
They concentrated on the last two years of school before university studies in order to build a curriculum that would lead to what they called a baccalaureate, administered in any country, recognized by universities in everywhere. 他们把重点集中在通过大学之前两年的学习,最终建立起一套课程,以获得一个在任何国家能够执行并被各地大学普遍承认的文凭。
They concern the common things of life, and are the stock in trade of all who speak the language. 它们与生活中常见的事情有关,是说这种语言的人都具备的。
They conclude that stock index futures have matured over time,although arbitrage profits are not calculated. 我的翻译是“他们的结论是,股指期货(产品)随着时间的推移已经成熟,尽管没有计算套利的利润”。请指教~~!!
They conclude that such dramatic technological innovations as the spinning jenny, the sewing machine, the typewriter, and the vacuum cleaner have not resulted in equally dramatic social changes in women's economic position or in the prevailing evaluation 他们得出结论,这些戏剧性的技术创新,比如纺织机、缝纫机、打字机、以及真空吸尘器,并没有产生相同的戏剧性的社会变化,在妇女的经济地位方面,或者在普遍的对妇女工作的评价方面。
They conclude that the longer the male mice were exposed to cigarette smoke the more damage that accumulates within sperm and the more likely genetic mutations will occur in offspring. 他们认为,雄性小鼠烟草暴露时间越长,精子中累积损伤就越大,其后代发生遗传变异的可能性也就越高。
They concluded a treaty with Turkey. 他们同土耳其缔结了一项条约。
They concluded future research could investigate the properties of deuterium-loaded metals and look for fusion products with better tools and techniques. 他们的决议是,未来的研究可以探讨含氘金属的特性,运用更好的工具与技术寻找融合产物。
They concluded that changes in low-level clouds contributed most to differences in the degree of warming those models predicted. 他们作出了结论,即低端云层中的变化在很大程度上决定了那些预测到的模式中升温度的差异。
They concluded that folic acid lowers the concentrations homocysteine in the blood. 他们的结论是:叶酸可降低血液中同型半胱氨酸的浓度。
They concluded that the farmers' soybean yield gap were due to low quality seed, no application of herbicide, chemical fertilizer, coupled with inadequate available P in soil and poor production technology. 他们指出农民大豆产量差距是由不良种子、不使用除草剂、化肥、土壤有效磷不足和生产技术不良造成的。

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