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Freyda: Your period of mourning was admirably brief.

Freud: the fact that you thought that the chicken crossed the road reveals your underlying sexual insecurity. 弗洛伊德:你对于小鸡过了马路的思考反映出你潜意识中关于性的不安全感。
Freudenthal and state Attorney General Pat Crank sent a letter Wednesday to Interior Secretary Dirk Kempthorne and wildlife service officials notifying them of their intent to sue. 弗洛伊登萨尔和州首席检察官帕特•克兰科在星期三致信内政部长(InteriorSecretary)德克•康普宋恩,并向野生动物管理局官员通报他们欲诉诸法院的想法。
Frey comes off his line to collect an intelligent long-range pass by Veron and deny Adriano a scoring chance. 贝隆给阿德创造了一次得分机会,但弗雷提前出击将球得到。
Freyda: And a true Isabel to raise up! 法蕾妲:还要巩固真正伊莎贝尔的地位。
Freyda: My duty also lies with the Griffin Empire. 法蕾妲:我的衷心和职责与狮鹫帝国同在。
Freyda: Your period of mourning was admirably brief. 法蕾妲:(幸运的是)你们哀悼的时间是令人羡慕的短暂。
Friar John, go hence; get me an iron crow, and bring it straight unto my cell. 约翰师弟,你快去给我找一柄铁锄,立刻带到这儿来。
Friction against the rock, combined with the weight of the climber, caused his rope to break. 与岩石之间的摩擦加上攀登者的重量,使得绳子断了。
Friction between adjacent zones of the disk causes it to become extremely hot and emit large amounts of X-rays. 圆盘邻近地方的摩擦导致它变得十分热和发射大量X射线。
Friction between two sticks can create a fire. 两个棍棒相互摩擦能起火.
Friction can be considerably reduced and the life of the machine prolonged by careful lubrication. 仔细润滑机器,能大大减少磨擦而延长机器的寿命。

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