In the development of ancient full length novels, the emergence of novels about human relationship has crucial significance. |
中文意思: 摘要在古代长篇小说的发展历程中,世情小说的出现有着重大的意义。 |
In the developing world, illiteracy is divdominantly a rural problem.
在发展中国家,文盲问题主要集中在农村。 |
In the developing world, illiteracy is predominantly a rural problem.
在发展中国家,文盲问题主要集中在农村。 |
In the developing world, where most HIV-positive pregnant women still aren't even accessing treatment to prevent mother-to-child transmission (PMTCT), sperm washing or artificial insemination are generally either unavailable or unaffordable.
在发展中国家,绝大多数HIV阳性的孕妇仍无法得到任何治疗来预防母婴传播,更不用说精子洗涤以及人工授精。 |
In the development and test of the system, three technical problems are solved, including the system's explosion protection, reliability and portability.
在系统的研制和试验过程中,解决了控制系统的防爆、系统的可靠性和系统的轻便性等3个技术难题。 |
In the development course of a narration, the speaker must reasonably arrange the message in a orderly way based on his presumed state of knowledge of the listener as well as the latter's possible reaction, so as to ensure the conciseness and economy of h
在语篇的发展过程中,发话者为了保证语篇的简洁性和表达的经济性,需要根据自己对受话者的知识状态所做出的假设以及受话者可能做出的反应来合理的编排信息。 |
In the development of ancient full length novels, the emergence of novels about human relationship has crucial significance.
摘要在古代长篇小说的发展历程中,世情小说的出现有着重大的意义。 |
In the development of generative grammar, the principle of Government and Binding used to hold a controlling position.
摘要在生成语法的发展过程中,支配/约束理论曾经占据主导地位。 |
In the development of hydropower stations, the ecological environment shall be protected, and the needs for flood control, water supply, irrigation, navigation, bamboo and log rafting, fishery, etc. shall be taken into account.
建设水力发电站,应当保护生态环境,兼顾防洪、供水、灌溉、航运、竹木流放和渔业等方面的需要。 |
In the development of the ancient Greek philosophy history, Not that this theory is a transition thought as Elea school, but that is a rising thought system after Pythagoras and before Herakleitos.
这种学说在古希腊哲学发展史上,并不是作为爱利亚学派思想先驱而存在的一种过渡性理论,而是在赫拉克利特之前、继毕达哥拉斯之后又一新兴的思想体系。 |
In the development of the modernization of traditional Chinese national sport, we should seek for development in innovation, establish the guiding status of scientific spirit, and build up traditional Chinese national sport in which scientific spirit and
在中华民族传统体育的现代化进程中,应当在创新中求发展,确立科学精神的主导地位,构建科学精神和人文精神相统一的现代中华民族传统体育。 |
In the development of the national industry, ZHU Zhi-yao, who was indomitable, hard-working and innovative, diligently produced the products suitable for the Chinese situation, and gradually formed a unique management characteristic of enterprises.
在发展民族工业的过程中,朱志尧百折不挠,实于创新,努力生产适合中国国情的产品,并逐步形成独特的企业经营特色。 |