Union is strength.
【谚】团结就是力量。 |
Union is strength. Please strengthen your cooperation.
团结就是力量,请加强你们的合作。 |
Union of Danish Art Museums: Nr. Madsbadvej 6, 7884 Fur, tel. 97-59-35-66; f.1978; Chair.- Nina Damsgaard.
丹麦艺术博物馆联合会:1978年成立;会长-尼纳·达姆斯加尔德。 |
Union of Independent Trade Unions of Albania (Bashkimi i Sindikatave te Pavarura te Shqiperise-BSPSh): Tirana; f. 1991; Chair.-Valer Xheka.
阿尔巴尼亚独立工会联合会:1991年成立;主席-瓦莱尔·杰卡。 |
Union officials denounced the action as a breach of the agreement.
工会负责人谴责这一行动破坏了协议. |
Union policies shall ensure a high level of consumer protection.
欧洲联盟之政策必须保障高标准之消费者保护。 |
Union troops trailed the Confederates for almost 10 days.
联邦军队追击南方联盟的军队有十天之久。 |
Unionist Lau Chin-shek defeated Anthony Cheung Bing-leung by three votes to become Democratic Party vice-chairman last night.
工会派刘千石昨晚以三票压倒张炳良成为民主党副主席。 |
Unionist Lee Cheuk-yan, who led the silent tribute, said the public could judge for themselves who should be blamed for wasting time and public money.
领导大家默哀的工会领袖李卓人表示公众可以自行判断是谁浪费了时间和公帑。 |
Unions oppose a requirement to open up to competition the country's telecommunications and insurance industries, both of which are state monopolies.
有规定要求开放电讯业和保险业这两个国营垄断行业的竞争,于是有组织表示反对。 |
Unions regard the government's intention to ban overtime as the thin end of the wedge.
工会认为政府禁止加班的用意是老鼠拉木 ,大头在後边。 |