Farmer, Paul. Infections and Inequalities: The Modern Plagues. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1999. ISBN: 0520229134.
《工厂的女儿:爪哇之性别、家庭动态与农村工业化》柏克莱:加州大学出版社,1992.ISBN:0520070720. |
Farmer: Here's a hammer and saw. Good night.
农夫:“这是锤子和锯。晚安。” |
Farmers all over the world know the importance and immutability of the seasons.
全世界的农民们都明白季节的重要性和永恒性。 |
Farmers always take an interest in the weather.
农民对天气总是很关心。 |
Farmers are looking ahead to a prosperous year.
农民们在展望一个丰收之年。 |
Farmers are struggling to keep up.
农民在竭尽所能以满足需求。 |
Farmers are to receive financial assistance to help see them through the worst drought in over 50 years.
农民接收财政援助帮助看到他们渡过了50年最严重的旱灾. |
Farmers are upstream collecting water samples from their tile lines, collecting river water samples.
在上游的农人从瓦沟中收集水样,又从河流中采集水样,然后迪莫伊水厂则对这些水样进行分析。 |
Farmers are using everything from poison to hammers—and even their bare hands—to kill the rodents , Lulu noted.
农民们用任何可用的东西,从毒药到榔头,甚至赤手空拳来消灭这些啮牙裂嘴的动物,露露特别提道。 |
Farmers are using everything from poison to hammers—and even their bare hands—to kill the rodents, Lulu noted.
璐璐说,农民们用尽一切办法来灭鼠,他们使用毒药、锤子甚至徒手灭鼠。 |
Farmers are using everything from poison to hammers―and even their bare hands―to kill the rodents, Lulu noted.
据路路记载的,农民们用尽一切办法,包括农药,榔头,甚至是他们的双手试图杀死老鼠。 |