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Tourists are lingering on the soft sand and enjoying natural tropical plants.

Tourist: Cool, then what's our schedule today? 游客:真不错,那你给我们今天安排的是什么活动?
Tourist: So great! Who did design it? 游客:太了不起了,是谁设计的?
Tourist: What's the structure of it? 游客:它是怎样构造的?
Tourist: When was it build up? 游客:它什么时候建成的?
Tourist: Where can I find a subway station? 我可以在哪里找到一个地铁站?
Tourists are lingering on the soft sand and enjoying natural tropical plants. 细软的白沙滩和天然的热带植物王国让游人流连忘返。
Tourists can now buy small amounts of ivory in Zimbabwe and Namibia and legally take them home. 在津巴布韦和纳米比亚,游客现在能买到少量象牙(制品)并可合法地带回家。
Tourists crowded the pavement. 游客把人行道挤得水泄不通.
Tourists float down the River Dart, also known as English Rhine,through the verdant valley that meanders past the coastal town of Dartmouth, home of England's Britannia Royal Naval College and an important port since the Norman Conquest. 游客们沿着达特河顺流而下,达特河又被称为“英格兰的莱茵河”,流经那被翠绿山谷蜿蜒环抱的海滨城镇达特姆斯,该城是英格兰布利特安娜皇家海军学院的发源地,同时也是诺曼人征服时期的重要港口。
Tourists flock to see the red sand, making Red Beach one of Santorini's most popular beach destinations. 游客络绎不绝来此一睹红沙,使得红海滩成为圣托里尼最有人气的海滩景点之一。
Tourists go to the island for the sunshine. 旅客到岛上去享受阳光。

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