George Marshall was bitterly assailed for not helping Chiang; the deceased General Stilwell, who despised the generalissimo, was attacked as a gullible liberal, and President Roosevelt was roundly assaulted for betrayinghis country's vital interest to the
生前鄙视蒋介石的史迪成将军被骂成是没有头脑的自由主义分子,罗斯福总统更是备受非议,说他把美国的切身利益“出卖”给苏联。 |
George Marshall, then Secretary of State in President Truman's administration, had publicly stated that there was no evidence of Russian interference in China's civil war.
当时杜鲁门政府的国务卿马歇尔已经公开说过,并没有什么证据表明俄国干涉了中国的内战。 |
George Monbiot on Britain‘s oil dependency.
乔治?蒙比尔特谈英国石油依赖。 |
George Monbiot questions the prospects for renewable power.
乔治?蒙比尔特之一可再生能源的前景。 |
George Muller, “ The vigor of our spiritual life will be in exact proportion to the place held by the Bible in our life and thoughts.... I have read the Bible through 100 times, and always with increasing delight.
乔治慕勒:「我们属灵生命活力的多少,正与圣经在我们生命和思想中所占的位置成正比……我读圣经已不下百遍,那份喜悦仍是有增无减。 |
George Orwell said, In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.
乔治?奥威尔(英国作家):,勇于说出真相才是革命性的举动。 |
George Pataki, Mayor Michael Bloomberg, victims' family members and designers of the site also attended a news conference a few blocks from the trade center site to release details of the memorial design.
记者招待会在离世贸中心遗址只有几个街区的地方召开,会上发布了纪念馆设计的具体细节。 |
George Plimpton wants to write a story for Sports Illustrated on what it is like to be a quarterback for an NFL team.
在六十年代中期,美国作家乔治.普林顿因为替“运动画刊写了一系列职业运动界的第一手经验谈而扬名。 |
George Soros Open Society: Reforming Global Capitalism (2000, Little, Brown &Co.
《开放社会:全球资本主义大革新》,乔治?索罗斯/著,柯雷/译,联经出版公司,2001。 |
George W Bush used his most inflammatory language so far towards Iran's Islamic regime, warning that letting Teheran acquire atomic weapons risked putting the Middle East under the shadow of a nuclear holocaust.
到目前为止,乔治布什用他煽动性的话回击伊朗的伊斯兰政权,警告他们让德黑兰取得原子能武器是冒着让中东地区处在“核武器的影响下”的危险。 |
George W. Bush said that US will stay the course on terror war.
乔治布什说美国将会在反恐战争中坚持到底。 |