However, the attack follows repeated warnings by members of the ONLF for foreign oil companies to leave their area. |
中文意思: 然而,该组织成员在袭击之前曾多次发出警告,要求外国石油公司离开他们的地区。 |
However, the advent of new molecular techniques has dramatically changed the nature of chromosome mapping in all organisms.
新的分子生物学的方法的出现改变了所有生物染色体图谱的本质。 |
However, the after complete resection of the larynx, the lesion was diag-nosed, after mucin stain, to be a mucoepidermoid carcinoma.
此类肿瘤对于放射线仅具有中等程度之敏感性,治疗方式系取决于组织学上的分化程度。 |
However, the air traffic control system is much more complex than that.
事实上,空中交通管制系统要比这复杂得多。 |
However, the animals reacted to pain in the same way as normal mice.
然而,对于疼痛,他们的反应相同。 |
However, the architectural theory system of Liang Sicheng based upon was Western Classicism, which was contradicted to the Chinese Nationalism in Liang's convincing.
然而,梁思成建筑理论体系所基于的西方古典主义与他终身信念的民族主义之间产生不可回避的矛盾。 |
However, the attack follows repeated warnings by members of the ONLF for foreign oil companies to leave their area.
然而,该组织成员在袭击之前曾多次发出警告,要求外国石油公司离开他们的地区。 |
However, the author attributes it to both the external factors (the lack of necessary legislative, economic, and administrative supports) and the internal factor (the backward operating technique in agricultural insurance).
本文认为,我国农业保险发展滞后既有外在因素,即缺乏必要的法律、经济、行政等政策支持;更有内在因素,即农业保险经营技术落后。 |
However, the author is opposed to tire view point that theories and methods in traditional library science have been outdated.
然而作者也反对“传统的理论与方法已经过时”的激进论断。 |
However, the author may have provided some help on installing or uninstalling the application.
当然,程序的编译者可能会向您提供有关的信息。 |
However, the author of this article holds the opinion that with the criteria of crime accomplishment, it is contradictionary with criminal constitution theory, with Item 20 in criminal law, with explanation of accomplishmentin Chinese dictionary, and with
至于王博士所说的不同的犯罪停止形态具有不同的修正的犯罪构成的观点、脱离犯罪构成后就不能正确认定犯罪的停止形态的观点、区分犯罪停止形态属于定罪活动的应有内容的观点,以及犯罪构成符合性评价与犯罪形态符合性评价同一的观点,都是难以成立的。 |
However, the authors discovered recently that the top and bottom surfaces of the Loushanguan Formation are palaeokarst unconformity interfaces, and there are a lot of interbeds of granular (oolite, pisolite and oncolite) dolomite and algae-mat dolomite, e
但笔者新近研究发现,其顶、底均为古岩溶不整合面,并有大量颗粒(鲕、豆、核形石)白云岩和藻纹层白云岩夹层,还有许多鸟眼构造、叠层石构造、交错层理、帐蓬构造存在。 |