7“Documents containing any discrepancy must not be negotiated even against Guarantee or under reserve without our prior approval.
我的理解:“文件不符不被议付,并且没有银行预先核准,没有追偿权“这样理解对吗? |
8 A consequence of advertising is that it conveys the message that the value of a person is dependent upon the value of products used, and that it makes us feel that happiness can be bought, that there are instant solutions to life's complex problems, and
8广告的一个不良后果是它传递了这样一种信息,即一个人的价值取决于所用产品的价值,广告让我们感到幸福是可以花钱买来的,让我们感到生活中的复杂问题都有手到病除的良方,让我们感到产品可以使我们充实,可以满足我们人类最深层的需求。 |
8 A remnant of tubal epithelium is seen here surrounded and infiltrated by numerous neutrophils. This is acute salpingitis. Neisseria gonorrheae was cultured.
图中急性输卵管炎的病理改变,可见残留的输卵管上皮周围有大量中性白细胞浸润。细菌培养可见淋球菌。 |
8 A: How long is the warranty?
保修期多长时间? |
8 Alcoholic beverage such as whiskey and vodka is served on the rocks or straight up. Most restaurants serve tea or coffee with free refill.
8威士忌、伏特加等酒类硬饮料可加冰块供应,你也可要纯酒。大多数餐馆所供应的茶或咖啡可以免费续杯。 |
8 All matters concerning the foreign exchange of the Company shall be handled in accordance with the PRC Foreign Exchange Control Regulations, relevant implementing regulations and these Articles of Association.
8公司的一切外汇事宜,按照《中华人民共和国外汇管理条例》、有关实施细则及本章程规定办理。 |
8 All poles, legs, or uprights of scaffolds shall be plumb and rigidly braced to prevent swaying and displacement.
所有的脚手架支柱、支架或上部构件都必须垂直并牢固拉撑,以防摆动和位移。 |
8 Although sun rays are not hot themselves, they warm up the object they touch in their way.
8虽然太阳光自身不热,但是它照射到某一物体时,却可以使所照之物变热升温。 |
8 Amendments to approved/deposited submissions required under this Permit shall be verified by an Independent Environmental Checker as conforming to the information and recommendations contained in the Project Profile.
按本许可证规定已获审批/存放的文件的修订稿,须由独立查核人核证符合工程项目简介内载的资料和建议。 |
8 America is becoming more plural every day because of the unbelievable facility of the new Third World immigrants to put a piece of their original culture inside of American culture.
由于来自第三世界的新移民所具有的将本族文化融入美国文化的令人难以置信的本领,美国正变得越来越多元化。 |
8 And corroding anxiety and bad temper actual induce physical diseases.
而焦虑和坏脾气更是会侵蚀我们的健康。 |