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All skeletal muscles can cramp at any given moment.

All sites in languages besides these will be terminated without warning. 所有的位置除这些之外以语言将会没有警告被结束。
All six of them piled into a car and headed for the railway station. 他们六人都挤进了汽车,向火车站驶去。
All six people who died were in the back of the LAV, he said. 牺牲的六名士兵当时在装甲车尾部。
All sizes are standardly equipped with AWWA epoxy coated, UL/FM listed OSY resilient seated gate valves, CFM (cubic feet per minute) or GPM (gallon per minute) meter and ball type test cocks. 作为标准配置,所有通径美国自来水厂协会(AWWA)认可的环氧树脂涂敷,UL/FM认证外阀杆轭架弹性阀座闸阀,CFM(立方英尺/分钟)或GPM(加仑/分钟)水表和球型测试旋塞。
All sizes are used for reference only. According to the condition of material, our factory has the right change but not notice, pardon! 所有尺寸仅作参考,视物料情况,本公司拥有变更权利,并不另行通知.
All skeletal muscles can cramp at any given moment. 所有的骨骼肌都会在任何时候发生抽筋的状况。
All skilled work can be pleasurable, provided the skill required is either variable or capable of indefinite improvement. 只要工作中需要的技巧不是一成不变的,或存在着不断提高的余地,那么一切需要熟练技巧的工作都会是令人愉快的。
All skills require constant repetition to become second nature;good manners are no exception. 一切技能都需要经常重复而后才能成为第二天性,礼貌也是如此。
All slain enemies will be cremated, or at least have several rounds ofammunition emptied into them, not left for dead at the bottom of the cliff.The announcement of their deaths, as well as any accompanying celebration,will be deferred until after the afo 所有被宰掉的敌人都将被火葬,至少要对尸体扫射很多轮子弹,而不是让他们死在悬涯底下就算了.所有对他们死讯的公布,以及接下来的庆祝活动,都将在上述措施执行后才进行.
All small ambient buildings will now display on the minimap while garrisoned or controlled. 所有的小型民用建筑在被占领或者控制时会在小地图上显示。
All smokers were willing to give up smoking. 所有吸烟者都愿意戒烟。

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