The latest supernova results are consistent with theories positing a constant dark energy density, but they also agree with most of the models that assume a varying dark energy density.
虽然最新的超新星观测结果,与暗能量密度为常数的理论不相抵触,但它也符合大多数假设暗能量密度为变数的理论。 |
The latest survey shows that majority of students agree with No smokingin public places.
最新的调查显示大多数学生赞成在公共场所不准吸烟。 |
The latest survey shows their outlook for the third quarter of the year has declined dramatically, after buoyant readings in the past few quarters.
最新调查显示,继过去几个季度的乐观数据之后,企业首席执行官对今年第三季度前景的信心已大幅下降。 |
The latest test of the U.S. missile defense program is the seventh time in eight attempts the military has successfully shot down a target with a ship-based interceptor, the Pentagon said.
五角大楼表示:最近一次美国导弹防御计划演习是整个8次演习中的第7次,美国军方已成功击落一枚舰载拦截导弹。 |
The latest test will reinforce Japan's readiness to do more in its own defence, and with America.
而这次的飞弹试射将让日本有理由准备发展自己的军事力量或跟美国的做进一步合作。 |
The latest theory proposes that the craftsman should thank the sun's rays—or lack thereof.
但最近提出的一项理论却指出,这位工艺家或许应该感谢日照不足。 |
The latest trade figures are very encouraging.
最近的贸易数字非常令人鼓舞。 |
The latest trade figures have dealt a severe blow to hopes of an early economic recovery.
最新的贸易数字对尽早复苏经济的期望是个严重的打击。 |
The latest typhoon caused power outage on the Green Island and trapped over 10 tourists in Olai (Wulai), but no injuries or casulties have been reported.
这摆启德风颱来乎绿岛停电,伫乌来嘛有十几位游客受困,毋恪好佳在目前拢无郎伤亡。 |
The latest variations of the Mirage 2000 family are Mirage 2000-5 &Mirage 2000-9, and incorporates advanced avionics, new multiple target air-to-ground and air-to-air firing procedures using the RDY radar and new sensor and control systems.
幻影2000家族的最新改型是幻影2000-5型和幻影2000-9型,改进包括采用全新的先进航空电子系统,及由RDY雷达和新的传感控制系统为核心的空对空、空对地攻击系统。 |
The latest version of this Directive (98/83/EC)[4] states that odour and taste of water shall be acceptable to consumers and no abnormal change(sic).
最新近版本的指示/说明(98/83/EC)[4]声明/规定,水的气味和口味应该是‘客户可接受的和无异常变化的’(如原文所述)。 |