In almost every kinds of language there are some interesting puns,consisting of homonym,polgsemy:some ofthem are not only a special kind of humor,but also a satre sometime.What's more,you can also learn many idioms in this part.
几乎每种语言都有许多有趣的双关语,它们由同音异议词或词的多义,歧义组成.他们并不仅仅是一种特殊形式的幽默,有时还是一种讽刺,此外,在部分中,你还能学到很多的俗语。 |
In almost every respect she does so in the opposite way.
几乎每个方面她都努力了,但是收效甚微。 |
In an open letter(released Wednesday), White House officials detail the Bush administration's work on climate-change research, and recount the president's statements on the issue since June 2001.
在星期三公布的一份“公开信”中,白宫官员详细说明了布什行政当局在气候变化方面所作的研究和布什总统2001年6月以来在这个问题上的说法。 |
In an 8 bit binary number, what is the total number of combinations of the eight bits?
用一个八位元二进制数,八位元的结合总数是多少? |
In an 8-1 victory against the Seattle Mariners, Wang carried a perfect game into the eighth inning.
在以8-1击败西雅图水手队的比赛中,王建民保持无安打、无人上垒记录进入第八局。 |
In an AM transmission the carrier wave is constant in frequency and varies in amplitude (strength) according to the sounds present at the microphone; in FM the carrier is constant in amplitude and varies in frequency.
在调幅的传播中,其负载电波频率是恒定的,但波幅(力度)随着麦克风声音变化而变化;在调频的传播中,其负载电波波幅是恒定的,而频率随着麦克风声音的变化而变化。 |
In an ASW mission a platform is tasked to classify, localize, and potentially attack a suspected threat detected by Ownship's sensors or by sources external to Ownship.
在一个ASW任务里一个平台的任务是分类、定位和潜伏地攻击一个自己船只的传感器探测到的或者是外部来源探测到的可疑威胁。 |
In an American family, Christmas and the Fourth of July are gala days.
在美国人家里,圣诞节和七月四日是盛大的日子。 |
In an American suburban street a lone pedestrian is more conspicuous than a lone motorist.
美国城郊街道上的孤独行人比孤独的驾车者更引人注目。 |
In an Amsterdam shipyard, meanwhile, a massive pontoon is being modified for use in transporting the sub to a dock once it's lifted.
与此同时,阿姆斯特丹的一个船厂正在改装一艘大型平底驳船,这艘驳船是用来运送被打捞起来的“库尔斯克”号的。 |
In an EDT, the electrical power produced is the rate of work done by the magnetic drag—that is, the magnitude of the drag force times the velocity of the satellite (relative to the magnetized ionosphere), which is about 7.5 kilometers per second in LEO.
在EDT中,生成的电功率等于磁拖曳力做功的速率,也就是拖曳力的大小乘上卫星相对于磁化电离层的速度,在LEO上约为每秒7.5公里。 |