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He understands his part to a miracle.

He uncovered himself today in the eyes of his servants' maids as one of the foolish ones shamelessly uncovers himself! 扫罗的女儿米甲、出来迎接他、说、以色列王今日在臣仆的婢女眼前露体、如同一个轻贱人无耻露体一样、有好大的荣耀阿。
He uncovered the dish and showed us the food. 他揭开盘子的盖儿给我们看吃的东西。
He underpaid me for the work (by 10). 我做这工作他少给了我(10英镑)工资.
He understands and respects Legco operations. 他认识和尊重立法会的运作。
He understands his part to a miracle . 他对他扮演的角色理解得细微之至。
He understands his part to a miracle. 他对他扮演的角色理解得细微之至。
He understands human feelings and is not afraid to walk into dangerous territory. 他理解人类的感情,并不害怕走入危险区域。
He understands our pain and agony. 他了解我们所受的煎熬痛苦。
He understands that perfection is not, logically speaking, attainable. 他知道,从逻辑上讲完美是可欲不可求的。
He understood from the experience of his whole life that friendship and love count for much more than money. 他从一生经历中体会到,友谊和爱比金钱重要的多。
He understood the real meaning of the sabbath. 他理解了安息日的真意。

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