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A lot of hiking equipment is needed here.

A lot of farmers leave their hometown and go to BeiJing for a job. 很多农民离开老家到北京找工作.
A lot of friends visited me while I was in the hospital. 我住院时有很多朋友来看我。
A lot of groups release PROPERS just out of desperation due to losing the race. 很多发布组织只不过因为输掉了发布比赛而发布PROPER。
A lot of groups support the systematic view in word, but has never put it into practice in fact and can never examine with heart and soul how his own action conduces the question. 许多团队口头上虽然拥护系统的观点,但实际上却从未付诸实行,从来不会用所有的心力来认真地检验自己的行动如何造成问题。
A lot of groups support the systematic view in word, but have never put it into practice in fact and can never examine with heart and soul how his own action conduces the question. 许多团队口头上虽然拥护系统的观点,但实际上却从未付诸实行,从来不会用所有的心力来认真地检验自己的行动如何造成问题。
A lot of hiking equipment is needed here. 这里需要大量徒步旅行的装备。
A lot of his money goes on travelling. 他的钱大都花在旅行上。
A lot of ideas are feeding back from applied science into the pure sciences. 许多从应用科学反馈来的想法影响着理论科学的发展。
A lot of immigrants died on the way over in a ship. 许多移民在途中就死在船上。
A lot of it depends on human behavior, which is inherently unpredictable. 很多事依赖于变幻莫测的人的行为。
A lot of it's written for workers in these enterprises who are thinking about how they can be innovative in moving their company to be more efficient. 许多它被为这些企业的工人写正在想到他们如何在移动他们的公司方面可能是创新的更有效率。

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