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1932 Scottish aviator Jim Mollison made the first trans-Atlantic solo flight.

193 Please make a sketch of this part on the paper. 请将这个零件的草图画在纸上。
193 We have new methods like compensation trade and joint venture. 我们有补偿贸易和合资经营。
193It is not the headline-making political events but the seldom-reported social tranformations that have the most lasting significance. 更有持久影响的不是头版头条的政治事件,而是鲜有报道的社会变革。
1930 Haile Selassie was crowned Emperor or Ethiopia, a country he ruled for 44years. 海尔·塞拉西被立为埃塞俄比亚皇帝。塞拉西统治埃塞俄比亚达44年之久。
1930 The World Cup Football Competition was instituted-only 13 countries entered and the Cup was won by the hosts, Uruguay. 第一届世界杯足球赛开始。仅有13个国家参赛,东道国乌拉圭荣获世界杯。
1932 Scottish aviator Jim Mollison made the first trans-Atlantic solo flight. 苏格兰飞行员吉姆·莫里森首次单人驾机飞越大西洋。
1933 Prohibition in America was repealed by the 21st Amendment-having come into effect on 16th January 1920. 根据第二十一条宪法修正案、美国废除《禁酒法》。《禁酒法》是于1920年1月16日开始实施的.
1934 Marie Curie, Polish-born French scientist and pioneer in the medicinal use of radioactivity, died. 波兰血统的法国科学家、把放射性应用于医疗的先驱玛丽·居里逝世。
1934 Maurice Wilson (British) dies on attempting to climb alone. 英国人)一个人登山时,去世。
1936 A wafer production line is added, developing into a biscuit factory after World War II. 增加一条威化生产线,并在二战以后发展为饼干工厂。
1936 Agreement between Italy and Germany: Rome-Berlin Axis set up. 意大利同德国达成协议,罗马-柏林轴心形成。

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