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I'm not eating that poison !

I'm not denying that women foolish; God Almighty made them to match the men. 我不是在否定女人愚蠢,是全能的上帝把她们造成配合男人的。
I'm not disposed to meet them at the moment. 我不打算在此刻会见他们.
I'm not doing anything at present. 我现在什么也不干.
I'm not dreaming, am I? 我不是在做梦吧,对吗?
I'm not easily shocked, but that book really is obscene. 我并不是大惊小怪的人, 但那本书淫秽之甚确实让我大吃一惊.
I'm not eating that poison ! 我可不吃那种猪食!
I'm not entirely to blame. 这不能全怪我。
I'm not even afraid of meeting the provincial rank! 老子见了厅级的都不怕!
I'm not even going to waste my time talking about it, it's plain to see your footballing culture as a whole is a disgrace to the game. 我不想浪费我的时间讨论这个话题,很明显,你们的足球文化对于这项运动是一种耻辱。
I'm not exactly sure what to buy Gill for her birthday, although I do have something in mind. 虽然我心里确实想过买什么,但我还确定不了为吉尔的生日买些什么。
I'm not experienced in sailing at all. 我一点没有航海的经验。

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