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Indicator A substance used to test for acidity or alkalinity of a solution by a color change.

Indications: For the treatment of the hookworm infection, ascariasis. enterbiasis and strongyloides sterocoralis infection etc. 适应症:适用于蛔虫、钩虫、蠕虫和粪类圆线虫等感染,对丝虫病亦有一定疗效。
Indications: It is indicated in the treatment of the infections caused by dermatophytes and yeasts such as tinea manus, tinea pedis, tinea versicolor, thrush, mucoso-cutaneous candidosis, vagina-cutaneous candidosis, gastrointestinal, respiratory and syst 适应症:适用于皮真菌和酵母菌引起的手癣、足癣、花斑癣、鹅口疮、上皮肤粘膜念珠病;阴道念珠菌病;胃肠、呼吸道真菌感染及全身真菌感染。
Indications: It is indicated in the treatment of typhoid, paratyphoid, typhus and bacillary dysentery. 适应症:主要用于治疗伤寒、副伤寒、斑疹伤寒及细菌性痢疾。
Indications: Irregular menstruation, abnormal vaginal discharge, symptoms before &after menstruation, pelvic inflammatory disease, dysmenorrhea, vaginitis, infertility, menopause, syndrome, osteoporosis, nursing after giving birth, and other disease of gy 主治:月经异常、带下、月经前后诸症、骨盆腔炎、痛经、阴道炎、不孕症、更年期症候群、产后调理、骨质疏松症。
Indication:For the treatment of bacterial enteritis caused by E.coli, Salmonella spp.,Proteus,dysentery bacillus, an d other organisms susceptible to Neomycin. 用于治疗禽畜的大肠杆菌、沙门氏菌、变形杆菌、痢疾杆菌以及其他对新霉素敏感菌感染引起的肠炎。
Indicator A substance used to test for acidity or alkalinity of a solution by a color change. 指示剂:是一种用颜色的变化来表示溶液中酸碱程度的物质。
Indicator, and NOT placed above or below the high and low for the day, except when you are applying the 7 to 10-day Rule and following a pyramiding move up or down, or where there is a Signal Top or Bottom day, when you place stop loss orders above the to 牢记止损位置要根据趋势线指标设定在行情底部上面或者顶部下面,不要设在当日的高点上和低点下,除非当你应用7-10天的规则和跟随金字塔式交易上下移动或者在顶底日出现信号,这时你才将止损设定在信号日的顶部或者信号日的底部。
Indicators are used by traders to “confirm” trade entry and exit strategies. 经纪人使用指标确认开仓和平仓的策略。
Indictionaries, words are listed according to their orthography. 在词典中, 词是按照字母拼写顺序排列的.
Indictionaries, words are listed according to their orthography. 在词典中,词是按照字母拼写顺序排列的.
Indifference curves, which represent all combinations of goods and services that give the same level of satisfaction, are downward-sloping and cannot interest one another. 无差异曲线描述了所有具有相同满意水平的商品和服务的组合,它是向下滑动的,并且不能相交。

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