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I am nearing the end of my second year of studies as an English Translation and Interpreting major student at the University of Nottingham and am looking for a summer job.

I am my own experiment,I am my own work of art. 我是我自己的试验品,我是我自己的艺术品。
I am my own severest critic . 我是个严于律己者.
I am myself, but I am also the speechless portion of your own selves. 我是我自己,但我也是你们自身那不说话的部分。
I am myself, the only one in the world. 我就是我,世上独一无二的我。
I am nature's greatest miracle. 我是自然界最伟大的奇迹。
I am nearing the end of my second year of studies as an English Translation and Interpreting major student at the University of Nottingham and am looking for a summer job. 我是诺丁汉大学英语口译和笔译专业二年级的学生,正想在暑假找一个工作。
I am never a quitter and I never give up until the job is done. 我的性格不允许我轻易放弃,在一项工作完成之前,我绝对不会中途放弃。
I am no biologist, but my guess is that the male human animalwasprogrammed for silence. 我不是生物学家,但我猜想男人这种动物天生就是沉默寡言的。
I am no dancer. 我不会跳舞。
I am no end pleased. 我非常高兴。
I am no expert in cooking. 我对做饭不在行。

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