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All of this got data reference and design basis for eccentric mechanism for adjusting the center distance and others.

All of these year-end parties are going to ruin my health. 这么多次年终联欢会,会把我累垮的。
All of this assignment work and stock image sales helps finance my real passion, my personal photographic work. 所有的这些自由职业和素材库的销售在经济上支撑了我内心真正的激情,也就是我的私人摄影爱好。
All of this came about because of the thoughtless comment made in the classroom that day. 所有这些都是来自我上动植物学解剖青蛙那堂课,“一句不经意的话语。”
All of this can be done, Mr Heydon believes, for about half as much as opening a new land-based mine. 海冬相信,只要花费相当于一个陆地矿井一半的费用,所有这些就都可以实现。
All of this combines to form a powerful partnership unmatched by our competitors. 所有这一切使我们成为无可匹敌的最佳合作伙伴。
All of this got data reference and design basis for eccentric mechanism for adjusting the center distance and others. 通过优化为楔横轧机偏心中心距调整机构及相关机构的设计提供了良好的数据参考、设计依据。
All of this happens as if someone or something was imitating me -- like a mimic. 所有这一切都好像是有人或是有什么东西在模仿我一样——就像一个模仿者。
All of this is already mapped out, and She knows just how far to go without knocking Herself completely off course. 这所有的一切是已经被安排,而且她就是知道分寸不会让她自己完全地震离轨道。
All of this is part of our work to make PivotTables easier to explore and manipulate. 我们所做的这些工作是为了让透视表更易于探寻和操作。
All of this is particularly exciting in light of the recent history of our two countries. 这些新发展,同两国过去的关系相对照,令人感到特别兴奋。
All of this is short of clear thinking, objective standard, basic humbleness, tolerance and forbearance. 其在叙述上缺乏清晰的思考、客观的标准、以及基本的谦逊、容忍与节制。

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