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The unprecedented targeting of research grants strikes scientists as particularly gratuitous: for a small savings, only about $80 million, NASA is causing a huge disruption.

The unpleasant smell made her sick and she began to vomit . 那难闻的味道令她不适,她开始呕吐起来。
The unpolished edges of the glass squares maintain an element of tension and act as an indicator of construction. 这些味精琢磨的玻璃方块四边保持著某种紧张元素,同时也成为一种构成的指标。
The unprecedented deal between the Japanese and South Korean groups underlines the fact that Japan has ceded its negotiating power to China, now the world's biggest buyer of raw materials. 日韩两大集团这一前所未有的合作,突显出日本在铁矿石价格谈判中的影响力已经被中国取代。
The unprecedented success of The Da Vinci Codehas been helped by wide access, with the book on sale everywhere from Wal-Mart to airports to supermarkets, often proving more popular than the mass market paperbacks available at the same outlets. 《达芬奇密码》的空前成功得益于广泛的销售渠道,这本书几乎随处可见,在沃尔玛、机场和超级市场里都可以买到,而且事实证明它总是比在同样的地方出售的针对大众市场的平装本更受欢迎。
The unprecedented success of the Valley is a testimony to the concerted international endeavors and contributions by people from diverse cultural and racial backgrounds, made possible by the favorable political, economic and intellectual climate prevailin 硅谷前所未有的成功是国际上来自不同文化和种族人们的共同努力和贡献的见证,这种成功之所以成为可能,也是由于政治、经济和文化条件有利,以及政府政策的远见卓识。
The unprecedented targeting of research grants strikes scientists as particularly gratuitous: for a small savings, only about $80 million, NASA is causing a huge disruption. 史无前例地骤减研究经费,造成科学家必须不食人间烟火,只为节省区区8000万美元,NASA此举正使科学研究逐步走向崩盘危机。
The unpredictable Caribbean-Atlantic weather pattern also plays its role. 不可预知的加勒比海-大西洋天气模式也扮演它的角色。
The unpunctual man,on one hand,never does what he has to do at the proper time. 另一方面,不守时的人却从不按时完成他应该做的事情。
The unqualified commodities verified by inspection and examination cannot be passed, even if the importer permits. 经检验不合格的商品,即使外方确认,也不准放行。
The unqualified, degraded, slothful, deceptive, overbearing, lazy, morose and procrastinating performer of actions is called in the nature of ignorance. 那些不合格的,堕落的,投机取巧的,欺诈的,傲慢专横的,懒惰的,郁闷怪僻的,拖拖拉拉的行为者就是处于愚昧无知的品性中。
The unquestionable authority of the founder of the monastery provided from the fourteenth century onwards an influx of the best intellectual and artistic forces, a flood of rich donations from noted statesmen and the richest families. 修道院的奠基人具有毫无疑问的权威,所以从14世纪起就汇集了最优秀的智力和艺术人才大军,而且著名的政治家和富裕的家庭都慷慨解囊,捐助了大量的资金。

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