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Love is letting he take a snooze after dinner.

Love is helping her to succeed. 爱是帮助她成功。
Love is in the stars so don't waste time. 爱情是美好的,不要浪费时间。
Love is just in between these two extremes, hot dogs and cold saints. 爱就存在于这两个极端之间:热狗与冰冷的圣徒(其实是两个比喻,代表热情似火与冷酷无情)。
Love is just like an ocean, it can hold everything good and bad, and it'll run forever…. 爱象海,它可以把握住任何事情,无论好与坏,它将永远向前。
Love is leaving love messages into the drawers of the desk. 爱是将爱的小字条放在书桌的抽屉中。
Love is letting he take a snooze after dinner. 爱是让他在饭后小睡一下.
Love is letting him tell the story as you want. 爱是让他告诉你想听的故事。
Love is life in its fullness like the cup with its wine. 爱就是充实了的生命,正如盛满了酒的酒杯。
Love is life in its fulness like the cup with its wine. 爱就是充实了的生命,正如盛满了酒的酒杯。
Love is life in its fulness the cup with its wine. 爱是丰盈的生命,一如装满酒的杯子。
Love is like a bridge between two people, and marriage can be a very solid bridge from one person to another, from man to woman, and from woman to man. 爱就像是一座桥梁横跨两个人之间,而婚姻可以是从一个个体到另一个个体之间,从男人到女人之间,或从女人到男人之间的一座坚固的桥梁。

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