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A fragmentation bomb is one that explodes into small pieces.

A fracture is a disruption or break in the continuity of the structure of a bone. 骨折就是骨结构连续体的裂开或打断。
A fracture or crack in a rock mass along which no appreciable movement has occurred. 裂缝,裂口岩石块中的碎片或缝隙,在其周围未发生过可被觉察到的运动
A fragment of broken pottery, especially one found in an archaeological excavation. 陶器碎片尤指考古挖掘中发现的破碎的陶器碎片
A fragment of dried animal dung used as fuel. 干粪块一块用作燃料的干燥过的动物粪便
A fragment of the Cross is enshrined in the cathedral. 耶稣受难十字架的一个碎片被安放在大教堂内。
A fragmentation bomb is one that explodes into small pieces. 杀伤炸弹是爆炸后射出许多小碎片的炸弹。
A frame for holding a sand mold in a foundry. 砂箱铸造车间内保持砂模用的框架
A frame or model around or on which something is formed or shaped. 模子一种框架或模型在其周围或在其上某物被塑造或成形
A frame or sledge on which condemned persons were dragged to execution. 囚笼,囚车一种架子或雪橇,遭指控者被拖到其上施刑
A frame projecting above a scythe, used to catch grain as it is cut so that it can be laid flat. 摇篮架大镰刀上的突起框架,是用来使割下来的作物平整放置的配件
A framework adds new mechanisms on top of a programming language, and these mechanisms automate many of the development patterns used for a given purpose. 框架在编程语言之上替我们添加一些机制,这些机制可以帮助我们自动应用各种开发模式以更好的实现某些给定的开发目标。

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