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Minnesota today is still a leader in farming, lumbering, and milling, as well as printing and iron production.

Ministry officials said the real-name registration system would help curb the surging number of mobile phone crimes. 信息产业部的有关官员说,手机实名制将有助于控制目前不断增长的手机犯罪案件。
Mink, Gwendolyn. Old Labor and New Immigrants in American Political Development: Union, Party, and State, 1875-1920. 1986. 《美国的政治发展中的老工人和新移民:1875-1920年的工会、政党和政府》1986.
Minneapolis-St. Paul was ranked second overall; followed by Columbus, Ohio; Boston; Austin, Texas; Chicago; Cleveland; Pittsburgh and then Philadelphia and Providence, R.I., in a tie for ninth. 明尼阿波利斯-圣保罗双城区排名第二,其后依次是俄亥俄州的哥伦布市、波士顿、德克萨斯州的奥斯汀、芝加哥、克利夫兰、匹兹堡,罗得岛州的费城和普罗旺斯并列第九。
Minnesota Faith Chinese Lutheran Church is a community of believers belonging to Jesus Christ. 明州华人信义教会是一群属耶稣基督的信徒。
Minnesota Timberwolves forward Kevin Garnett has the right to opt out of his contract after next season, and there's rampant speculation that he will do just that and sign with the Los Angeles Lakers as a free agent. 下个赛季之后,明尼苏达森林狼队前锋凯文?加内特可以不在续约,有很大的思考空间可以认为他将会那样做,并且将以自由球员的身份签约湖人。
Minnesota today is still a leader in farming, lumbering, and milling, as well as printing and iron production. 现在的明尼苏达在农业、伐木业、碾制业,以及印刷与钢铁生产上还是居于美国各州之冠。
Minni got a job as a bank clerk. 蜜妮找到一份银行职员的工作。
Minny is up 2 and Blazers have last shot of the game here...keep your fingers crossed. 森林狼现在领先2分,而开拓者控球获得最后一次进攻投篮的机会。。。希望能投进。
Minogue had dispatched sheriff's deputies to the Highway 1 location before realizing the call was a sham. 米诺格立即派遣当地治安官的助手前往位于1号公路的“事发地点”,但后来发现电话里所说的都是谎言。
Minogue jumped from No. 26 on the list in 2006, while Moss slipped to fourth this year from first in 2006--and her British rocker boyfriend Pete Doherty was named one of the worst dressed males. 凯莉·米洛从去年的第26位跃至今年的首位,摩丝则从去年的第一下滑到了今年的第四;而摩丝的“摇滚男友”皮特·多赫蒂则登上了“年度最差穿着男星”排行榜。
Minor accidents could cause trauma and major setbacks. 小事故可能引发外伤和大病复发。

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