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I bought a cup and saucer at that shop.

I bought a 4 feet by 5 feet rug. 我购买了一块长五英呎宽四英呎的地毯。
I bought a book on the passing of spiritual authority from the apostles through successive popes and other bishops. 我买了一本关于神权自使徒传至教皇及其他主教的一脉相承的书。
I bought a bunch of grapes. 我买了一串葡萄。
I bought a cake about this big! 我买了一个蛋糕大约有这么大.
I bought a cake from the bakery. 我在面包店买了个蛋糕。
I bought a cup and saucer at that shop. 我在那家店里买了一套茶杯。
I bought a cup of Coke and some popcorn. 我买一杯可口可乐和一些爆米花。
I bought a dictionary IN THE BOOK STORE THIS MORNING. 今天上午在书店我买了一本词典.
I bought a few books on how to keep healthy. 我买了一些关于如何保持健康的书。
I bought a first-class ticket for Oxford. 我买到了去牛津的头等车票。
I bought a guide to the city of New York. 我买了一本纽约旅游指南。

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