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Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.

Imitate the snail in deliberation, the bird in execution. 像蜗牛一样谨慎,像鸟儿一样敏捷。
Imitate to spend such as the smoke of the rich in hues and bright color, fully in night the gleam moves, we know, that is character that humanistic ray of light, in this one stimulate visual and riotous and bright color, flow out now make open;These gorge 仿如斑斓亮色的烟花,尽情在醇夜中闪动,我们可知道,那是人性的光芒,在这一片刺激视觉的缤纷亮色里,涌现着张扬的个性;这些绚丽光彩,值得用一生去典藏。
Imitating or producing the effect or appearance of nature. 博物学的仿效或产生自然的后果和外貌的
Imitating strength increasing model presented before, an experiential strength decreasing model is brought forward. 摘要提出评价结构强度衰减过程的经验模型-强度衰减模型。
Imitation is the first and most important step. It's much easier to imitate another speaker than it is to sound out each word according to phonetics in a dictionary! 模仿是第一步,也是最重要的一步。比起根据字典上的注意读出每个单词,模仿另一个人的说话要容易得多!
Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. 模仿是最真挚的奉承。
Imitation or representation, as of a potential situation or in experimental testing. 模拟模仿或演习可能发生的情况或在试验性的测试中进行模仿和演习
Immaculately groomed, precisely styled hairdos reflected an obsession with control. 修剪完美、造型精细的发型反映出一种对“控制力”的迷恋情结。
Immaterial Cultural Heritages is the important mark of the nation spiritual culture, and important attracting tourism resource. 摘要非物质文化遗产是民族精神文化的重要标识,也是一个地区重要的旅游资源。
Immature and unsound state of mind, conflicts of interests, lack of skills and knowledge for interpersonal association, and differences between habits and values of college students as a whole are among the main reasons leading to interpersonal conflicts 摘要大学生心理上的不成熟、不健全,大学生之间存在的利益竞争,大学生匮乏的人际交往知识技能以及大学生群体在价值观念和生活习惯等方面存在的差异,是导致大学生宿舍人际冲突的主要原因。
Immature artists imitate. Mature artists steal. 偷窃者,不知所从。前者低级,后者高明。

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