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If your Lordship will give me time, I will produce the evidence.

If you`re not aware of what happened then please ask at the Box Office but just in case you are a little busy orchestrating our quadruple, I`ll enlighten you. 如果您没有注意到这些,您可以去问售票处,但为了防止万一您太忙了没有时间注意我们的委屈,我在这里提醒您一下。
If young undergraduates have held the above two basic skills, it show that they have achieved half of success. 如果年轻大学生能够拥有上述两个技能,他们就已经成功一半了。
If your 17th birthday the day the full moon night on the grass face of a heterosexual, he will be your prince! 假若你在17岁生日的那天月圆夜晚在草地上遇到的第一位异性,他将是你的王子!
If your Evil Computer Addict persona has enabled it, we can examine your network and quickly discover a way to wake you up from your computer-induced stupor. 如果你的地狱的电脑沉迷者选项开启,我们会检测您的网络,并且快速修复您的电脑上瘾症.
If your L/C reaches us by the end of this month, we'll exert our utmost efforts to arrange shipment of your orded goods at the beginning of next month. 如你方信用证在月底前到达我处,我们将尽最大努力在下月初安排装运你们所订的货。
If your Lordship will give me time, I will produce the evidence. 如果阁下愿意给我时间,我就能拿出证据来。
If your Mum finds out what you've done, you'll really be in the soup ! 要是你妈妈发觉你干的事,你就要倒霉了!
If your Mum finds out what you've done, you'll really be in the soup! 要是你妈妈发觉你干的事, 你就要倒霉了!
If your OS is already running then go to step 2 directly. 如果你的操作系统已经运行,直接跳到下面的第2步。
If your actions and words contrast with one another, you will be viewed as insincere. 如果你言行不一,别人就认为你虚假。
If your adult son declares he's a homosexual, what do you do? 如果你儿子长大了说他是同性恋,你会怎么做?

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