Many of the Zagreb restaurants offer various specialties of national and international cuisine.
萨格勒布的很多餐馆提供不同风味的特色菜,有本地特色美食,也有各国佳肴。 |
Many of the activities exchanged among enterprises in a SN are of a service nature, and the final output is often a combination of tangible products and services which the end-customer purchases.
在供应网路中,企业之间有不少交易行为,本质就是服务,而最终产品往往是终端客户购买的实物产品和服务的混合体。 |
Many of the aircraft are based in Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and former Soviet republics neighbouring Afghanistan. Some have also been sited at the former RAF base at Midway, Oman.
这些作战飞机中的许多部署在科威特,沙特阿拉伯和与阿相邻的前苏联共和国.此外有些飞机驻扎在位于中途的前英国皇家空军在阿曼的基地. |
Many of the animals that inhabit this dark and downtrodden habitat are small and secretive, but they make up for their diminutive stature with huge numbers.
在这片被踩踏过的幽暗的栖息地里,栖居着的很多动物都是微小的,深藏不露;不过,它们庞大的数量弥补了体型微小的不足。 |
Many of the arguments heard in America in favour of a big revaluation of the yuan are flawed or at least exaggerated.
在美国听到的赞成人民币大力升值的论调是风生水起,或者至少是夸大其词。 |
Many of the barriers that stopped cross-border commerce have fallen.
很多阻碍跨国商贸活动的壁垒已经不复存在。 |
Many of the boys at the school took French leave to go to the football match.
错译:学校里很多孩子象法国人一样告别去看足球比赛。 |
Many of the buildings are of cement block construction and would have required extensive drilling or surface conduit installation for a hard-wired system.
校园内建筑大多由水泥砖构建,如果采用传统布线系统,需要进行大量的钻孔和墙面导线管的铺设。 |
Many of the children come from difficult background such as parental abuse, alcohol / sexual abuse.
这些孩子中的许多人都有着不幸的背景,如父母虐待、酗酒、性虐待等。 |
Many of the common materials of the earth's crust may alternate between the living and the nonliving states.
地球表面上有许多普通的状之都可能在有生命和无生命中交替。 |
Many of the competencies are likely to be performed recursively, in that the reflective and evaluative aspects included within each standard will require the student to return to an earlier point in the process, revise the information-seeking approach, an
因为每个标准都要求学生总结经验教训,回到上一步,修改搜索信息的方法,然后重复同样的步骤,许多能力会被多次使用。 |