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The notice on the printing of invoices shall include clearly stated name of the invoice-printing enterprise, the name of the user, name, category, the sheet number, specification, color of invoice, the printed quantity, start-stop numbers, and the time an

The nothing important is special, Chien simple list of the common run of people.I love music and art, like to live alone, but sometimes again like to revel with friend together noisily. living fine and ruthlessness, the life is miscellaneous in brief and 没什么特别,简简单单的普通人,爱音乐,艺术,喜欢独处,但有时又喜欢热闹的和朋友在一起狂欢,生活美好又残酷,人生简单又复杂。
The notice allows a toll manufacturing company to apply for a replacement tax exemption certificate if the original is missing. 该通知规定企业如果申请开具《来料加工免税证明》后发生遗失,无法办理免税申报的,可申请补办。
The notice is most unfortunately phrased. 这份通知用语很不得当.
The notice might read, for example, My students have been behaving poorly today. 告示条(符咒)上写到:『我的学生们今天表现很差,请让我知道是那一位在你的课表现差。
The notice of the extraordinary shareholders' general meeting shall expressly inform the holders of tradable shares of the rights that they have and the time and conditions for, and manner of, asserting such rights. 一)临时股东大会通知应当明确告知流通股股东具有的权利及主张权利的时间、条件和方式。
The notice on the printing of invoices shall include clearly stated name of the invoice-printing enterprise, the name of the user, name, category, the sheet number, specification, color of invoice, the printed quantity, start-stop numbers, and the time an 发票印制通知书应当载明印制发票企业名称,用票单位名称,发票名称、种类、联次、规格、印色、印制数量、起止号码,交货时间,地点等内容。
The notice said Keep off (ie Do not walk on) the grass'. 布告牌上写著`勿踏草地'.
The notice said that your account was suspended not closure. 此通知说您的饿帐户被暂停使用而不是被封。
The notification in the preceding paragraph shall explain the reason of its rejection in writing. 前项不受理之书面通知,应叙明理由。
The notification shall set out the operator's name, domicile, business scope, sales amount worldwide for the last fiscal year, total assets and sales amount for the last fiscal year within the PRC, and market share on the relevant markets, as well as the 申报书应当载明参与集中的经营者的名称、住所、经营范围、在全球范围内上一年度销售额、在中国境内市场的资产总额和上一年度的销售额、在相关市场的市场份额以及集中的交易额、预定实施集中的日期等事项。
The notion of sincerity, which is sublimated into the top philosophical category, serves as the logistic premise of the Golden Meandoctrine and out of this basic concept is deduced an integrative theory of ethic and politics. 摘要《中庸》以“诚”作为其整个思想体系的逻辑起点和理论前提,并将“诚”上升为最高的哲学范畴,由此推演出了一整套完整的伦理政治理论。

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