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INTRODUCTION[/b]: Image of life casted by alloy of lead and tin twines on the column, forming the contrast between the organic and inorganic materials.

INTRODUCTION :Through the close connection of mother and baby baboon, the sculpture reflects peace and harmony in a family. 作品简介:小狒狒亲昵地依偎在母亲的怀里,仔细的为着母狒狒捕捉虱子。多么温馨感人的家庭场景。
INTRODUCTION :Through the obstract image, expresses such a state that the sea is wide enongh for the fish to spring the sky is spacious enough for the birds to fly. 作品简介:作品用鸟的抽象形象,表达一种“海阔凭鱼跃,天高任鸟飞”的意境。
INTRODUCTION :To shape up three dimensions of inner desire for id, ego and super-ego into human countenance. 作品简介:作品通过形象化的面孔表现人类内在欲望的三个层面,即“本我”“自我”“超我”。
INTRODUCTION :Two kids are dancing with fans, through which the author adopts the traditional Chinese way of painting,exaggeration and ketch to present a happy and joyful stage. 作品简介:吸取了中国民间传统夸张、写意的手法,通过两个小孩的扇舞表现了欢乐喜庆的场面。
INTRODUCTION: Biochemical markers reflecting bone turnover may improve the prediction of fractures. 介绍:反映骨周的生物化学的标记物可能提高骨折的预测功能。
INTRODUCTION[/b]: Image of life casted by alloy of lead and tin twines on the column, forming the contrast between the organic and inorganic materials. 作品简介:铅锡合金熔铸成的流动的生命形态,缠绕在石制方柱上。构成一种有机与无机的材质间的对比。
INVESTMENT bankers would hate to admit it, but traditionally they have borne some resemblance to estate agents, matching buyers and sellers of financial assets instead of houses and land and taking a fee on the transaction. 投资银行家可能不愿承认,然而传统上他们天然地与房地产经纪人有一些相似性,调和金融资产(而不是房屋和土地)的买卖双方,收取交易费用。
IOC Giselle Davies announced the decision in Athens. 国际奥委会的吉塞拉-戴维斯在雅典公布了这个决定。
IOC Headquarters is set up in Switzerland Lausanne fitting of having the world garden city . 国际奥委会总部设在有世界“花园城市”之称的瑞士洛桑。
IOC officials will meet President Putin and have a private tour of the Kremlin. 奥委会官员将会见普京总统并将游览克林姆林宫。
IOR - also known as Index Of Refraction, a physical parameter of transparent matter that defines how strong a ray gets bent when entering media of different density. 折射度-物理参数,表现折射物体的光折射特性,光线穿过某不同密度物质所应改变方向的角度。

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