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Among the varieties of pear tested there were to or to corresponding gene pairs resistant to the pear scab: to , ,or in Jinchuan, Jinhua and Changxi, in Kikusui, to or to in the other tested varieties.
其中,鸭梨不含抗病基因,菊水梨只含个抗病基因,金川梨、金花梨、苍溪梨可能分别含~、~ 、~个抗病基因,其余品种可能分别含有~或~个抗病基因;

Among the benign tumors,the major were polymorphic adenoma(.0%) and Warthin tumor(.9%),and among the malignant tumors,most of them were the adenoid cystic carcinoma(.0%) and the mucoepidermoid carcinoma(( .%)). 组织学表现:腮腺良性肿瘤例中多形性腺瘤占.0%,沃辛瘤占.9%; 恶性肿瘤9例中腺样囊性癌占.0%,粘液表皮样癌占 .%。
Among the patients, the fatality of retire people was the highest (.%) while that of health workers was the lowest (.8%). 其中离退休人员病死率最高,为.%(0/ ); 医护人员病死率较低,为.8%(7/8)。
Among the popularization of varie- ties of Cotoneaster growing in Shanghai area, varieties of Cotoneaster are the nanism foliolar strain with extreme ornamental value. 在上海推广的种栒子中,有种是观赏价值较高的小叶系矮生种。
Among the sequential manner,the mutate effect of .0 μm laser radiation was prominence with W power and min radiate time,to 0. μm laser,radiation the radiation time should be protracted radiate time; 在连续式中,.0μm激光诱变效果较显著,以辐照功率 W,辐照时间 m in最佳; 0. μm激光应适当提高诱变时间;
Among the surfaces of various articles, the highest eligible rate was 9.8% for tableware, the next was 90. 0% for tables and chairs, 8.0% for towels, 8 . % for door handles, 8.08% for toys and the lowest eligible rate was .% for taps. 空气消毒合格率最低为.9%。 物体表面分类中,餐具合格率最高为9.8%,其次是桌椅90. 0%、毛巾8.0%、门把手8 . %、玩具8.08%、水龙头合格率最低为.%。
Among the varieties of pear tested there were to or to corresponding gene pairs resistant to the pear scab: to , ,or in Jinchuan, Jinhua and Changxi, in Kikusui, to or to in the other tested varieties. 其中,鸭梨不含抗病基因,菊水梨只含个抗病基因,金川梨、金花梨、苍溪梨可能分别含~、~ 、~个抗病基因,其余品种可能分别含有~或~个抗病基因;
Among them had fever, typical maculopapule, non-typical rash, 9 the Koplise macule, cough and sneeze, 7 bloody-eyes. 其中发热 例,全身斑丘疹典型者例,不典型者例,柯氏斑9例,咳嗽、流涕例,畏光、眼结膜充血7例。
Among them Taeniolella hunanensis is a new species,while Torula caligans and Veronaea parvispora are new records to China. 其中,湖南小带孢TaenioleUa hunanensis为一新种,昏暗色串孢Torula caligans和小孢维郎那霉Veronaea parvispora为中国新记录种。
Among them has Alkoxide hydrolytic decomposition a better applied prospect if the problems such as Alkoxide-hydrolytic control dose, the rate of separating out titanox-barium head precursor are solved. 特别是其中的醇盐水解法,若解决好水解控制剂、钛钡前驱体析出速度控制等问题后,则有较好的应用前景。
Among them there are four new species, they are Entoloma carneum Bi sp. nov., Entoloma pseudo-griseoalbum Bi sp. nov., Entoloma tomentosum Bi sp. nov. and Entoloma aurantiacttm Bi sp. nov.。 拟灰白粉褶蕈Entoloma pseudo-griseoalbum Bi sp.nov. ,绒毛粉褶蕈 Entoloma tomentosum Bi sp.nov.
Among them, species belong to Palmaceae family, 8 to Agavaceae family and to Araceae family. 其中棕榈科种,龙舌兰科8种,天南星科种。

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