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Diverse, change and have one's own thought.

Divers weights are an abomination unto the LORD; and a false balance is not good. 23两样的法码,为耶和华所憎恶。诡诈的天平,也为不善。
Divers weights, and divers measures, both of them are alike abomination to the LORD. 10两样的法码,两样的升斗,都为耶和华所憎恶。
Diverse deposed cloth, a piece of white paper, scissors, glue and multicolor cardboard. 各种废旧布块、白板纸一张、剪刀、胶水、各色彩纸。
Diverse minority costumes will be exhibited with exquisite charm. 将展出各种具有精美风采的少数民族服装。
Diverse tasks and exercises cover vocabulary practice, opinion research, dialogues, cultural quizzes and panel discussions. 习题型态丰富,涵盖字汇练习、意见调查、对话演练、文化猜题及小组讨论等。
Diverse, change and have one's own thought. 杂而有思,惟活常新。
Diversification and performance is one of the central topics of strategy management research. 摘要企业多角化和绩效之间的关系是战略管理研究的中心之一。
Diversification is another way to diversify and produce more food. 多种经营是另一种增加粮食产量的措施。
Diversification of production in order to meet user needs for objective, the development of the technology developed with industry leading cnc pipe bender. 以满足用户多样化生产的需求为目标,开发研制出具有行业领先技术的数控弯管机。
Diversified health programs include fitness and dieting, medical science, mental health, healing and survival, illness, maternity and parenting, home and design, and cooking. 以专业及科学的角度,探视切身的身体及心灵健康,无论是健美、节食、医疗、疾病及生育课题,均一一涉猎。
Diversified product colors as well as flexible design and customization determine the decorative property of products, and exert the function like dotting the eyeball in painting a dragon for the vestibule design of different places. 产品色彩的多样性及设计订做的灵活性,决定了产品的装饰性能,为场所的门厅设计起到了画龙点睛的作用。

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