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Familiarize yourself with basic first-aid treatment and the location of the first-aid box.

Familiarity with standard computer skills, such as MS-Office (Excel, Word etc.) and financial software. 能熟练运用电脑,熟悉财务软件及办公软件的日常操作。
Familiarity with the government's cotton import policy. 熟悉政府部门关于棉花进口的相关政策。
Familiarity, for example, may blind us to the distinctive communication that takes place through the mass media, and especially to the processes by which media influence us. 比如熟悉往往会蒙蔽我们的眼睛,使我们无法发现那些通过大众媒体产生的独特的传播现象,特别是大众传媒影响我们的具体过程。
Familiarization of students with a typical functional MRI scanning environment, from data acquisition to offline visualization and analysis. 熟悉一般的功能性磁振造影环境,包括从资料撷取到离线显示与分析。
Familiarize the each manufacturing process requirement , the facilities condition and the customers specified needs. 熟悉各工序的工艺要求,了解机器装备情况和客户的具体要求。
Familiarize yourself with basic first-aid treatment and the location of the first-aid box. 熟悉基本急救护理并确记急救箱的存放处。
Familiarize yourself with the table of contents, summaries, bolded text and sidebars. 熟悉其中的表格、摘要、黑体字及边栏提示。
Families are at the base of a socio-economic pyramid. 家庭是社会经济金字塔的基础。
Families are being (operated)offered 18 months of (Venal)rental (systems)assistance, which could be used to extend ()their hotel ('s day)stay.But many say they have not received the money or it is not enough. 很多家庭被提供了18个月的租金援助,这些钱可以被用来使他们继续呆在旅馆里.但是许多人说他们还没有收到这些钱或没有收到全额的租金援助.
Families are imposing news blackouts at their homes to avoid disappointment. 各个家庭都在自家进行消息封锁,以避免失望。
Families are settling back in their homes after a fire at a North Carolina chemical plant forced them to evacuate. 向美国北卡罗来纳州化工厂的开火迫使化工厂附近的人员疏散。

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