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A Study of Quadriplex PCR with Chimeric Primers for STR Loci and Validation in Forensic Science

A Study of Industrial Seedling in Musa ABB Pisang Awak 粉蕉工厂化育苗技术研究
A Study of Interaction between Trivalent Antimony and Nucleic Acid Bases Structures of (AdeH_ )SbCl_·H_O, (AdeH)_SbCl_H_O and (AdeH)[Sb (pdta)]·H_O(Ade=Adenine, H_pdta = Propylenediaminetetraacetic acid) 核酸碱基与三价锑的相互作用研究(AdeH_)SbCl_·H_O、(AdeH)_SbCl_·H_O和(AdeH)〔Sb(pdta)〕·H_O的结构
A Study of Microtubule, Tubulin and Tau Protein in Platelets of Patients with Alzheimer's Disease Alzheimer病患者血小板微管、微管蛋白与tau蛋白的研究
A Study of Microtubule, Tubulin and Tau Protein in Skin Basal Cells from Alzheimer's Disease Patients Alzheimer病患者皮肤基底细胞微管、微管蛋白与tau蛋白的研究
A Study of Morpha of Building Cluster in New University Campuses in China Since 980's 980年代以来中国新建大学校园建筑组群形态研究
A Study of Quadriplex PCR with Chimeric Primers for STR Loci and Validation in Forensic Science STR基因座嵌合引物复合扩增及其法医学应用研究
A Study of Reason on Confucius Who Meets with a Rebuff 浅析孔子“莫能用”
A Study of Sex Pheromones of Nereis japonica 日本刺沙蚕的性信息素研究
A Study of Some Scheduling Problems Arising from Contemporary Industries 当代工业中的若干排序问题研究
A Study of Synthesizing T.M.D by Using Catalytic Method of Oxalic Acid and Hydrochloric Acid 草酸——盐酸催化法合成T.M.D的研究
A Study of Temperature Condition in Brakes 制动器温度工况的研究

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