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What I barely own is my meager self.

What I am saying is that I'm optimistic enough to believe that within the next decade, we will see progress to a level that for things like dealing with data in a spreadsheet or text in a word processor, or navigating the Internet, you will find the speec 我正在说是我够乐观来在下十年内相信那,我们将会看见对一个水平的进步为事物像由于数据处理在一台文件处理机中的试算表或本文中,或航行英特网,你将会找演讲接口有它变成的充足准确性一个主要的~方式用机器互相影响。
What I am saying is this: the Law, which came four hundred and thirty years later, does not invalidate a covenant previously ratified by God, so as to nullify the promise. 加3:17我是这麽说、神豫先所立的约、不能被那四百三十年以后的律法废掉、叫应许归于虚空。
What I am to you is not what you mean to me. 你是走到哪儿都要拆我的台!你更狒!不愧是猩猩的女人!!!
What I appreciate most is his friendliness. 我最欣赏的是他的友好。
What I appreciated most was his friendliness. 我最欣赏的是他的友好。
What I barely own is my meager self. 我仅有是微薄的自已。
What I call the first generation tools capture raw mouse movements or keystrokes and take snapshots of the pixels on the screen. 我称为第一代的工具只是捕获原始的鼠标移动或击键操作,并记下屏幕上象素的瞬象。
What I can do for you is to forward your profile to some of my headhunter friends, and also I can check with those working in Big 4 accounting firms, which I believe is a good start for guaduates. 我已经把我的简历重新传给你了,四大应该是我最梦寐以求的地方了,虽说加起班来没日没夜,可年轻时候不拼搏,难道还等年老体衰再后悔吗?
What I can express will hardly console you, for I know there are moments in which all consolation will be of little avail in easing the sadness of a grieved heart. 言语几乎无法使你得到安慰,因为我知道,有时安慰几乎无力减轻一颗悲伤心灵的痛楚。
What I can promise you is that you will not feel sleepy and dreary in my class. 我可以向你保证的是,上我的课你不会犯困、不会感觉枯燥。
What I can say is if you don't take into consideration our current schedules, then I'd make a good boyfriend. 我所能说的就是如果你能考虑到我们的繁忙的行程那我就可以是个好男朋友。

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