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That pollution, along with dams and heavy boat traffic, has caused a dramatic decline in the Yangtze's aquatic life.

That political statesman is full of ambition. 那个政治家野心很大。
That politician has been in the limelight recently because of his strong opinions. 那位政治家由于持激烈的观点,近来一直引人注目。
That politician was attacked by his rivals who accused him of having an affair with his secretary, considered a bimbo by many. 那个政治人物被他的政敌攻击,说他与他那个不检点的秘书有婚外情。
That politician won the presidential election campaign and became the President. 那位政治家赢得了总统选举,成为了总统。
That politician's dishonesty made my blood boil. 那个政客的不诚实使我勃然大怒。
That pollution, along with dams and heavy boat traffic, has caused a dramatic decline in the Yangtze's aquatic life. 污染再加上筑坝和繁忙的船运导致长江水生物数量急剧下降。
That poor girl, Gladys Linch, of course - the one who was so terribly agitated when the doctor spoke to her - and well she might be, poor thing. “那个可怜的女孩,格雷迪斯◎琳琪,当然——当医生对她说的时候,她极度不安起来,她得那么做,多可怜的事情。
That pop quiz really rained on my parade. 那次突击测验破坏了我的计划。
That portion climbs about two molecules every year. 这个比例约以每年两个分子的速度攀升。
That portion of the courtroom record comprising the testimony of witnesses shall be read out in court or given to the witnesses to read. 法庭笔录中的证人证言部分,应当当庭宣读或者交给证人阅读。
That portrait is you to the life. 那肖像就跟你一模一样。

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