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The impact opened ecological niches for mammalian evolution, which eventually led to the development of our own species.

The impact of this stat has been changed and now balances the mitigation between damage reduction and crit resistance. 这个属性的冲击现在已经成为了伤害减免和爆击减免之间的一个平衡点。
The impact of tight fitting jeans was more on males due to anatomical reasons, as jeans leads to increase in temperature of the scrotum, whereas lower temperature was required for proper sperm viability, he said. 他说,低温有助于维持正常的精子生存能力,由于解剖结构的原因,紧身牛仔裤对男性生育力的影响更大,因为紧身牛仔裤可引起阴囊温度升高。
The impact on a business with no power and no communications could cripple some. 想想看,停电和停止通讯对生意会造成多麽巨大的损失。
The impact on performance of wheat classified by horizontal airflow velocity, classifying baffle height and dropping time etc was studied, the orthogonal experiment was designed on the basis of single factor experiment, and the primary and secondary facto 摘要研究了水平气流速度、分级隔板高度和落料时间等因素对小麦气流分级的性能影响,并在单因素试验的基础上设计了正交试验,得出影响重质小麦水平分级的主次因素为:分级隔板高度、水平气流速度、落料时间;影响轻质小麦水平分级的主次因素为:水平气流速度、分级隔板高度、落料时间。
The impact on the rest of the world, too, may be severe. 这对世界其他地方的也会产生很严重的影响。
The impact opened ecological niches for mammalian evolution, which eventually led to the development of our own species. 这场浩劫为哺乳类的演化提供了生态区位,使我们这个物种最终得以诞生。
The impact that created SPA clearly happened after the lunar crust solidified, which occurred about 4.3 billion years ago. 造成SPA盆地的撞击显然在43亿年前月球地壳固化后发生。
The impact that the experience of the Depression has had on views about the role of the government in the economy is easily understood when we recall the sheer magnitude of that economic downturn. 只要回忆一下当时经济低迷的危害程度,我们就不难理解大萧条为什么会冲击人们对于政府在经济中应该发挥的作用的认识。
The impacts of driving forces on thermal environment were explored by means of causation analysis. 通过对热环境的寻因分析,探讨热环境中各驱动因子对热环境的影响权重。
The impacts of hysterectomy on women's sexual identity and sexual relation ship are very important, but have not been given adequate attention in the medical and public health area. 摘要国内妇女接受子宫切除的人数愈来愈多,而子宫切除后妇女的性生活适应,会影响到其自我认同与人际关系,是需要被重视的议题。
The impacts of that tug-of-war on the climate system could be devilishly difficult to untangle. 气候系统的这种拉锯战的冲击影响可能是极难理清解决的。

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