The president's office denied this. Last year it also denied that Chirac had made the disparaging remark about Finnish and British cuisine.
但希拉克总统办公室对此表示否认。去年,对于希拉克贬损芬兰和英国菜肴一事,希拉克方面同样给予了否认。 |
The president's recent death set the stage for a military coup.
总统最近死後, 酝酿著一场军事政变. |
The president's recent death set the stage for a military coup.
总统最近死后,酝酿著一场军事政变. |
The president's resignation was a real zinger.
总统的辞退真的是令人震撼的事。 |
The president's speech caused considerable disquiet in some european capital.
总统的演说在一些欧洲国家首都引起很大不安。 |
The president's talks with military commanders to praisetook place behind closed doors. But after his private hospital visit with wounded troops, Mr. Bush spoke briefly to reporters.
总统与军队领导人的会谈秘密进行。不过在私人拜访了受伤士兵之后,总统向记者作了简短的发言。 |
The president's talks with military commanders took place behind closed doors. But act after his private hospital visitor with wounded troops, Mr. Bush spoke * briefly to reporters.
总统与军队指控官进行了关门密谈,但在他对受伤军队的医院进行秘密访问之后,布什总统向记者介绍了简要的情况。 |
The president's visit was called off at the eleventh hour.
总裁的这次访问到时取消了. |
The president's visit was the most important civic event of the year.
总统的访问是该市民一年里最重要的大事。 |
The president's writ does not run; starved by an international embargo - maintained not just by Israel, but by the US and European Union - the society is grappling with deprivation.
总统法令无法执行;受制于国际禁运——不仅来自以色列,美国和欧盟也有份,巴勒斯坦社会正与物资匮乏做艰苦斗争。 |
The president, a black belt in judo, was also depicted in fighting garb, fixing the engine of his car or holidaying in the Black Sea resort of Sochi.
小朋友们还描绘了获得柔道黑腰带级别的普京总统身着柔道服的模样,以及他修理汽车发动机和在黑海索契疗养地度假的情景。 |