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In the past, the planning department of water resources in our country generally forecasted the water demand on the high side, which has mislead the water planning and supply project in different extent.

In the article, anatomy of adult blue foxs? livers and pancreases were observed by usual anatomy method. The results are that follows:.Liver is divided into six lobes, they are left exite, left endite, quadrate lobe, tail lobe, right exite, right endite. 应用常规解剖学方法,观察例成年蓝狐肝脏和胰腺,结果显示:.肝脏分为个叶,即左外叶、左内叶、方叶、尾叶、右外叶、右内叶;
In the ash from chimney after dust remover, Zn, As, P, Ni, Cr, Mo, Be, Pb, Th, Hg, F are enriched while Nb, Rb, Zr are obvious deficient. 除尘器后烟道灰中富集Zn、As、P、Ni、Cr、Mo、Be、Pb、Th、Hg与F等 ,而Nb、Rb与Zr等明显亏损 .
In the paper, we have studied the mixed-valence isopolyanion by cyclic voltammogram, in-situ UV-Visible-Near-IR and FTIR spectroelectrochemical methods in aprotic medium,such as methylene chloride. IN-SITU FTIR AND UV-VISIBLE-NEAR-IR SPECTROELECTROOHEMICAL STUDIES OF MIXED-VALENCE ISOPOLYANION Mo_O_(9) ̄( -) IN APROTIC M.
In the paper,We give iterative formula of Newton's method witha parameterx_(k+)=x_k-λ{F'(x_k)}~(-)F(x_k); 本文推广了解非线性方程组的Newton 方法。 给出一种带参数的Newton 迭代公式x_(n+)=x_n-λ{F′(x_n)}~(-)F(x_k);
In the part of theory research, starting with detecting the negative signals, the writer analyzes earnings quality on the qualitative and quantitative aspects, such as accounting policy, earnings structure and cashing ability. 理论研究部分从发现消极信号入手,初步识别收益质量异常的公司,提出从会计政策、收益的结构和收益的现金流转情况三个方面对上市公司收益质量进行分析。
In the past, the planning department of water resources in our country generally forecasted the water demand on the high side, which has mislead the water planning and supply project in different extent. 过去,我国水资源规划部门对需水量的预测普遍偏高,造成对水规划和供水工程在不同程度上的误导。
In the period of 99 to 999, YANG Wen-Peng isolated a higher lysine mutant from Robertson's Mutator (Mu) stocks, which contain mutations induced by insertion of Mu transposons. 作者于99-999年期间,从Robertson的增变子Mu(Mutator)诱导的玉米突变群体中,分离得到一个高赖氨酸突变。
In the period, I had taken part in the Europen Union Corinth Rift Laboratory F (Faults, Fractures & Fluids) -Corinth Porject and Germany Potsdam Kaiser Bahnhof building strain detecting project. 在此期间参与了欧盟的Corinth Rift Laboratory中的 F(Faults,Fractures & Fluids)-Corinth研究项目和德国的Potsdam Kaiser Bahnhof建筑现场应变监测项目,这些项目的特点是光纤Bragg光栅传感器的应用的工程化。
In the presence of nonionic surfactant Tween-80,iron reacts with -Br- BTAQ at pH .~.,forming a reddish violet complex. 在非离子表面活性剂吐温-80存在下,铁与-Br-BTAQ 于 pH .~.时反应,形成红紫色络合物.
In the presence of phosphoryl group, N-(O, O-diisopropyl )phosphoryl threonine reacted with nucleos ides to give both nucleot idesand peptides. PHOSPHORYL PROMOTION EFFECT AND FORMATION OF BOTH PEPTIDES AND NUCLEOTIDES¥yongJU;
In the present paper,the author conducts the clinical observation and analysis on the selected 00 cases of athletes' muscular sprain with galvano acupuncture. 选择运动员肌肉拉伤 00病例,应用电针疗法进行临床观察分析。

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